Tomorrow Christopher Kuhn walks out of court a free man.

47  2018-08-26 by Dennyislife

actually he's been locked up for around a year for killing his kid and he has got a long time before he'll be able to enjoy a soundbar or hold a screwdriver to a womans neck.

Some say it was a price worth paying as he brought us the Brother Joe on the peoples court classic. But nobody saved it and its all been pulled from YouTube. Even Bennington show laughing at him.

So really it wasn't worth it was it?


Chris Coon puts the ‘N’ in ‘innocent.’ You’ll see.

He's gonna be putting the ape in prison rape soon.

I don't know about that. Murderers and violators of children are highly respected in prison.

He’s going to be amazed at the soundbars Vizio will be putting out in 2058.

And he's going to get his grandkid killed for it.

"Jamal, no matter what he says, do NOT go to Walmart with your grandpa"

'fraid that's not gonna happen unless they froze a sample of lil 2-year-old Qadan's cum

Don't worry, I'm part of the community where babies be havin' babies.

Fucking LOL

They can't take his Toddler Shot Put world distance record.

♫ here come the story of the hurricane ♫

That's fucking solid right there. Scorsese soundtrack scene solid.

I can't explain to my wife why I'm laughing.

Chris 'Martin Luther' Kuhn fought racism wherever he found it, & put his money where his mouth was, he stopped racist bands playing in his hometown.


We still have the memories

lend me £20 dude, you know I ain't going anywhere

Nobody saved it, really? 3 years from now a bunch of newfags will question its authenticity

that brother joe/court/apollo13 edit needs to be reposted daily.

Friendly and repeated reminder that Chris Kuhn is a political prisoner.

Rogue C_A agents have their hands in the car crash and tragic death of Kuhn's son with the motive being to silence one of the most important opposition voices to the corporate-fascist global elites.

One day, justice will prevail!

Your honor, if I could just have a moment, I have a character witness: "Fat Opie"

why, i remember gleefully reading about his little mishap on the train after work the day it happened. How the time flies, my word.

It was Qadans fault the crash happened. Little fucker.

That’s a good defense. Prove the kid was driving the car.

We all know he wasn’t in a car seat or restrained in anyway

damn we might never be graced with broadcaster kuhn

Jesus. There isn't an angle that makes his nose look any better.

somebody posted it a few days ago. I have a copy download as well. I might do a podcast where I watch the whole episode and comment on it.

Wait REALLY? NOBODY fucking saved it?

What a shitload of fuck