Anthony I baked a cake for the secret after show party, thanks for the invitation

9  2018-08-26 by Der-Giftpilz



Who or what is this thing

A degenerate

Whatever it is I'm positive it would be offended by any gender you referred to it as.

This is what AIDS looks like.

Offensively AIDSy.

Hey there's a title for Norton's next special.

Where is opie when you need him to come stomp on a cake

Actually fellas I wasn't really joking that guy definitely has the ninja. Trust me, I know.

I hate what the world has become

Nothing sadder than an old queen.

he is very offputting and i don't want to be near him in person

I have met this guy irl a few times and it's weird how many times I've seen this picture shopped over the past 2 years. He's a very nice guy, he's just very thin from being vegan and of course he's gay. That's a picture of him with a cake on his birthday. For whatever it's worth.

More detail regarding your connection to this entity please.

He is a regular where I work, we have a lot of vegan customers.

Why no candles? is he too weak to blow them out?

Yeah, that is shopped as well.

oh, COOOL!

Jim Norton is buying an engagement ring right now

using this site right now its so good.. better than netflix (asapflix)