This man survived crawling out of an ejected bomber with broken limbs, torture, beatings and ritual humiliation. He went on to raise a loving family and enjoy a respected career. Anthony "Nigger" Cumia mocked this fine American as he lay dying of brain cancer. Bad (or sick) guy!

49  2018-08-26 by McGowan9


Anthony used to instantly fold and hand over money to "gimme fiddy cents" kid. No threats, no pushing, no slaps. "Gimme fiddy cents" - you got it! I wonder how he would've fared with gooks pulling off his fingernails.

He would have ran to Canada or Mexico.

He would've blended in a lot easier in Mexico.

He would've blended the easiest in a wheelbarrow with water, that gravel faced Lebonese refugee.

Look at that stud. Even at his very worst he could have twisted Ant up like a pretzel.

He looks like a more masculine Maverick from Top Gun (swoon!)

I would have like to shoot my missile right into his asshole.

Fox 1!

blonde young rogan

look at that beautiful ape neck

A good Scots-Irish lad who excelled at high school wrestling and was a lineman on the football team. He was banging cheerleaders and beating up nerds while pencil necked, pimple faced Anthony was drilling a hole through the wall of the junior high's girls bathroom and cutting gym class.

Flunking out of high school all because he didn't like gym really does sum up ol' Pocky Cumia, now that you mention it.

How much of a fag do you have to be to flunk gym? I was/am a fat fuck and I still passed.

No shit. I passed even despite the gym teacher being a well known scumbag who made sure to get a solid front-and-center spot between the showers and lockers during swimming. Horribly uncomfortable but you just dealt with it so you wouldn't look like a whiny rape victim. I wouldn't be too surprised if that was Piss Eyes' issue.

blonde young rogan


Looks like a fag

Didn’t McCain work with his captors and help them torture other prisoners? Isn’t that what other prisoners from the same camp said about mccain?

lol this dweeb just posts dozens of times a day on /r/Ice_Poisidon

What can I say? I love dumpster fires

He broke after a couple of years (as anyone would) and released an anti-war/US imperialism propaganda message but that was a year after he refused to be released because his dad was an admiral. He held out better and longer than most.

he refused to be released because his dad was an admiral

Sounds like he was just afraid of his dad. I would have had the courage to leave the torture camp as early as possible.

Not only that but the one reason he started his political career was to help Vietnam take over the world.

John "Panty-Dropper" McCain.

He crashes a jet after an engine failure and bragged about taking Tylenol and going whoring immediately afterwards.

Thank you for your service.

Fuck that piece of shit if it was up to him he would of had me drafted to fight in Syria for Israel. Hes rotting in hell, so will Anthony

That's where you're wrong. God hates the Islamist infidel swine and was rooting for a holy war in support of Zion. Johnny is sitting at the seat of His throne and getting an "attaboy" for effort.

Who do you think God wants to win the super bowl this year?


fuck that war wongering piece of shit he sold us out to military industrial complex and is everything wrong with American foreign policy and will be our downfall. the worst levels of hell are for traitors I know hes there

Good looking dude.

let's not take the opie posting too far. this guy was like jim norton levels of worminess

He was a politician, so of course he wasn't a proper person. And I'm a Brit, don't know or care about his politics. All I know is his daughter has big fat tits and that he survived the Hanoi Hilton with his honour relatively intact. Point of the post was really more about "Conservative values" Cumia shitting on a war hero as he lay dying.

He dad was the Admiral so he got the choice jobs (whoops) and then got cucked out of the 08 election to a Jr senator because he let the party choose his bimbo running mate. My heros fuck bimbos, not stand beside them and wave.

Fuck John McCain don’t be a retard

PFG dude

War mongering Israeli ass licker. Hopefully the rest of the neo cons follow.


I bet Anthony would class his twitter usage as 'fighting for his country'.

He was a hansome son of a bitch. Gotta give it to em.

  • John McCain will be remembered as a courageous, patriot with a strong sense of traditional family values and a passion for his fellow veterans.

  • Anthony Cumia will be remembered as a guy who used to say nigger on the radio and went on to vaguely threatening to kill a prostitute, fucking, biting and choking his friend's young daughter, getting arrested and becoming a convicted felon who is openly known for being a pedophile.

I don't think Anthony will be remembered.

He couldn't have been a model.

Well that depends on what he's modeling.

Crematorium conveyor belts

He'll get a blurb on some blogs and that's about it. Mostly people will say good riddance and shit on him and make fun of him. His house will be empty of valuables before the body is cold and pictures of his dead body will be posted to the internet by one or more of his whores.

John McCain can McFucking burn in hell

Gee a national hero who showed inhuman levels of fortitude while being tortured and crippled for life by the enemy who went on to have an incredible political career or a pock faced creep who fled from a hooker, got fired for going on a dumb tirade and now broadcasts a shitty show where he berates mentally retarted people ...


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John McCain was more of a man than any Cumia could ever hope to be.

John McCain spent five years as a POW, Anthony spent twenty trying and failing to be a 70's/80's pop star.

Safe to say McCain was everything Zitsy Mcoctoroon wished he could be.

You niggers don’t even know the half of it. When McCain was first running for Senate in the early 80s, his Democrat opponent’s campaign manager got in touch with McCain’s ex-wife to try and find some private dirt on our boy John.

Not long after, the two of them met for a debate. When the debate ended, McCain approached his opponent back stage and told him “I understand you contacted my ex-wife trying to get private information about me? If you ever do that again, forget about this campaign: I WILL beat the shit out of you!”

I know on the surface that’s a cool thing to say, but think deeper y’all: How much of a badass are you that even your EX-WIFE won’t badmouth you after your divorce?!

Now let’s imagine how Ant or Jim would’ve reacted if they were in McCain’s shoes.

He couldn't have been a model.

Well that depends on what he's modeling.

He'll get a blurb on some blogs and that's about it. Mostly people will say good riddance and shit on him and make fun of him. His house will be empty of valuables before the body is cold and pictures of his dead body will be posted to the internet by one or more of his whores.