You’re all life losers.

32  2018-08-26 by RBuddCumia


He knows for a fucking fact that the last guy he tried to doxx has a good life.

Yes but if he were this in touch with reality he would still have a job at Sirius.

He's having a great time

You know who's a real life loser? Roe Cumia.

Are you telling me that willingly sucking tons of non-white cock while in the throes of dementia, never seeing your eldest son for half a decade makes one a "life loser"? Such high standards.

No I actually ment it a lot more literal. That coalburnin crackhead literally lost her life.

Tsss she can't find that little mug anywhere

He fucks kids and pays for people to fuck him and be his friend, and he tries to get people fired and their families harmed in real life when they criticize him. He's a bad person.

Its this singular truth that makes it absolutely necessary for us to continue our solemn duty

I don't know Ant, at the age I was studying statistics and linear algebra you were smoking crack with your mom. This Pakistani prison snitch has not grown a day since he was 13

Pakistani prison snitch. Lol that’s a new one

Oooo look at the big man passing statistics class

That shit was pretty hard.

Surprised Nana didn't go all caps on "PEOPLE WHO ARE DOING WELL" to emphasize how well he's really doing.


The thought of trading my life with Nana gives me anxiety. If I woke up living his life I would kill myself in the most embarrassing way possible. For all of you.

My vote is for breaking your neck while trying to suck your own dick. Could you practice now?


Faaaaaawk, did I ever tell you about my brother Elmo??

Is he really this moronic or is he playing 3d chess trying to attract more attention to his failing show? I just can't fathom how he doesn't understand that these responses just attract more trolling, not less.

Whatever. More fun for us.

I thought If you called online trolls losers in their moms basements that they would be ashamed enough to stop trolling

Says the guy who responded to his Twitter-induced firing by throwing together a steaming shit-pile of a "show" (that his own subscribers can barely access) featuring him giggling and tittering over the banal mutterings of a host of Z-list "comedians" who don't even have reputations to ruin by appearing on his low-budget vanity project. If he'd put even half of the energy and time he wastes on this idiocy into his podcast perhaps he'd have a show worth catching and his former fans might be following it instead of reacting to his incessant brain-damaged tweetstorms and sub-moronic internet "feuds".

I think a smarter person would have really reflected on their lives after getting fired the way he did. Maybe see that they were taking their sweet gig for granted. At the very least maybe rethink things when Ron comes on your show and asks WTF you are doing with yourself.

Even past that he could have easily found himself among those right-wing personalities that became popular in 2016 if he could have just not been a racist, woman beating piece of shit.

The fact that Opie landed on his feet with a better gig should also have been a giant wake up call for him.

Who's he referring to when he mentions attacking someone "doing well"? Can't be him. End stage alcoholic. Fired from radio gig for being racist after being beat up by a woman for stalking her with his camera. Now hosting failing PFGTV ripoff show. Crater faced. Bad dentures and bad hair transplants. Banned from the social media platform he's too old to be addicted to. Plead guilty to biting and choking woman. Unable to stay sober after court ordered rehab. Hated by the majority of the few fans left that he had. Virtually unknown in the podcast world. Self hating homosexual. Self hating ebony man. Countless accusations of being a pedo. White trash family. White trash life in house that's destined to be foreclosed on. And on top of all of that has never been called sexy and is no longer hilarious.

Dear GOD

I believe all of this is what "and rise again" is referring to.

Since no one finds Chip funny anymore, I think we've got a term to replace Peckas

Coming from a brundlefly that retweets every black crime ever committed in the US.

If I'm not mistaken wasn't a large section of Anthony's success based on listening to idiots and then trashing them?

But when we listen to something we don't like to trash it we are just losers.

Anthony seems to consistently project his own insecurities.

Ah man. I'm going to sulk on a sri Lankan beach thinking about this comment. It hurts.

But first I am going to see more of his home city than he does.

This is cringeworthy. What a faggot you are.

Stop DM'ing me I am not meeting you for some fun in my hotel room.

This reminds me of his clip recently trying to shame our resident fat troll and the delightful Mr. Kuhn. He said we’re shitting on people, “Who are actually doing something meaningful with their lives.”

The fuck is meaningful about bitching about integrated pools through an app that works 30% of the time to an audience of <1,000?

It’s all projection. It’s how Ant feels about himself. He is the one who has nothing else but Twitter.

Everyone else is probably like “I have a free 20 mins, let me create an account & call Anthony a pedophile for a lark”.

I like to grab myself a smoke, go to the bakowza, and enjoy myself by reading some Roe Cumia memes of Obscurity.