I am ON MY KNEES praying for the safety of these children. Vinnie Brand will tell you - Nothing good can come from doing business with Anthony Cumia.

14  2018-08-25 by ChrisMMatthews


A good Christian man and small business owner Michael L. Wilson has unknowingly put his family in grave danger by inviting Anthony Cumia into their lives.

In good faith Mr. Wilson has commissioned a pamphlet for his publishing house Post Hill Press, apparently unaware of the terrible danger he was putting his daughters in by associating with a man known to have a violent and sexual past with minors.

The men-folk of that tribe have an eRock-like appearance in terms of fatness

sausitch folk

"Hello, Jimmy Dean? Your products are very delicious. I love your sausage for 30 something years, but I can’t take and feed a family of five on a little 12 ounce roll of sausage..."

The daughters can get it.

There is no way he's the dad of the non monster kid.


Fatboy Pizza Breasts

Thought this was r/tendies for a moment
