So disappointed in Post Hill Press and President Michael L. Wilson - a Christian Conservative business that is meant to stand for family values and yet they endorse a violent anti-Semite with a penchant for children. I just pray he keeps his daughters away from Anthony.

77  2018-08-25 by ChrisMMatthews


Hope Mikey is ready for the inevitable video of his little jewess crawling out from under Ant's filthy desk before awkwardly tongue kissing him in front of his elderly pervert friends.

Christian ConservativesTM really don’t care about the gays or Jews. This won’t bother him.

This is true. Perhaps their distributor Simon & Schuster would be more sympathetic?

Should they?

If they were human, yes. But we know they are all monsters.

Oh no, who will ever come help the defenseless Jews, except everybody all the time ever.

Incidentally, I agree with Sarah Silverman minus the sarcasm

Can we please start sending this shit to him? Including the pervy basement tapes?

It certainly seems like a possibility - he is on Twitter to interact with customers. There is no reason he wouldn't want feedback about a much anticipated upcoming title.

His Twitter handle (‪@PurveyorOfProse) is public information and he doesn't have many followers so might be pleased that someone out there wants to strike up a conversation.

I’m out of accounts. Someone fire up the ol’ alt account and go to town.

I’m on it!

Yo nigga you stealing my shit?

You asked him to.

fawkin psycho

Alt accounts rock you faggot boomer!

I swear i feel like the big thing that would keep them away are those post of that girls pussy and him implying he fingered her.

Was she underage?

Believe so. I forget where they were but it was recent and on his first account. Just a young girl in a bikini with the bottom slipped to the side. Implied he fingered her passed out.

Don't forget the one where he's black out drunk caressing his cousin's thigh, while she's sitting on his lap, and telling her about the time he sniffed her underwear while jerking off

Every kid got beat up for whatever was weird about them. Boo. Fucking. Hoo.

This! So much this! Let’s destroy drumpf and his trumpkins.#resist

This is terrible. Will these publishers support blatant anti-semitism? Have they no decency?

The idea of Anthony beating anyone up is hilarious, cant fight for shit so he needs his guns

Just send him one of the old O&A videos of Ant bashing Christianity. From what I remember Ant said some heinous stuff about Jesus and church goers. He has to have said something that might be interesting to a man of God like Mike here.


He should just say he deserved to burned in an oven and get it over with

Is it possible that we can get his book cancelled....

Post Hill Press has a distribution contract with Simon & Schuster. Put some pressure on them.

Email them and then cc: Simon & Schuster leadership:

CEO: [email protected] Corporate (Adam Rothberg): [email protected] VP (Jennifer Robinson): [email protected]

It would be a shame if a group of people started bombarding them with this information until they were forced to take action. You know, kinda like how tranth tries to get people fired from their jobs over tweets

What a fucking moron. When compound media dies he will have absolutely nothing

sarah silverman, go to israel

He looks like a dirty kike so I don't see the problem here.

Judging by what his spawn is up too maybe he got beat up because he was a shifty asshole. This is heeb logic :my Jew dad beats me up, my (presumably but probably not) goyim classmates beat me up. It's clearly everyone else's problem and the non fucked up parts of society are to blame so they must be destroyed so the people that beat me up can...what exactly? Traditional societies were about punishment for the wicked and rewarding good behavior and post-modern new socialist society is about feeling sorry for the perpetrators and excuses for their behaviour so in her utopia the dad and the classmates woulf be excused unless they were fu king with a faggot. Makes my wetbrain hurt tbqh.