How the Alt-Right sees Anthony.

135  2018-08-25 by RBuddCumia


How everyone sees Anthony.

Beat me to it

Did he?

This is a really good photoshop

It isn't a photoshop. It is a SNL sketch.

oh no shit - you're right

goddamn chapelle is still so good

dave chappelle?


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The alt right love anthony. /pol/ thinks he is blowing smoke out of his ass and pretending to be conservative to gay out with gavin and sentiments like that. When he was fighting with black callers it was nice when he went on racial rants it was not funny because he was not really adressing the issue of black culture but sort of looking down on them in the interest of the rich not white people.

How did you write such a long post and still manage to say nothing?

Stupid is as stupid does.

I did make a post that said something and realized at that moment the real issue. Anthony is in hot water because he is trying to be like the voice of the boys club and they don't want this creepy wop talking about fuckable 14 year olds something I am sure is talked about in poker games etc. Anthony is by his entire shtick like a kid in highschool openly selling and smelling like weed and acting like spicolli from fast times at ridgmont high.

That Dave Chappelle, he really is on the cutting edge of comedy, making only original jokes just from scratch. Fucking coon.