Reality check - Anthony loved this place until he got lightly teased for eating his balls on the Pig Jay Roast.

135  2018-08-25 by McGowan9

Then we became online terrorists who "treated cruelty like a videogame."

It really can't be overstated what a thin-skinned little cunt he is.


He used to slow dance with Sue as well but she broke his crusty heart

No one puts Nana in the corner!

No one puts baby fucker in a corner!

I can't believe he denied the bombing. He even shouldn't an edited playback of it and cut it short before some huge bombs. Shrude move Cumia. Did you tell your staff to sweetin the clip?

Not only did he deny it, he denied it fiercely. He was incredulous at the idea that anyone could've interpreted it that way.

The guy who used to sit with and trade barbs with Patrice, Colin, Vos, Bobby, Norton etc (and let's be fair and honest, he gave as good as he got with them and was always just as quick.) The "cellar crowd" - they of the "shut up, stupid and take your beating" ethos. He could take it from them (was he just pretending?) but not from lowly civilians.

He was always one of the best at situationally quick wit. That doesn’t translate into actually writing jokes and preparing for an event. He was used to putting no effort in and getting away with it for too long. He would have been fine if he has actually put any effort into it/hired a writer/accepted that he bombed. Instead he was a complete cunt and turned his most rabid fan base against him.

He got lost

The roast passed

The best part was the ol’ worm denying the bombing as well

The little faggot really doesn't catch enough shit for that. "Honestly, I would legitimately tell you if you bombed. Truthfully, dude, believe me."

He was having trouble viewing the thing alright

JUst listened to a show today of O&A with Vos, Jimmy and Colin. Nana gets off a few good lines but nowhere near the frequency or quality of the other 3. For every 20 good colin lines, nana gets off 1 decent one, and then he has to explain it " ..... cause you see ... vos has bad teeth" Compared to opie he's Henny Youngman, but he can't keep up with the pros.


Shrude Jude, the Jew Shrew.


It would have been so easy for him to be real and just say “ wow I sucked” he could have made a good chunk of airtime laughing about how bad he was. He chose poorly.

“I’m funny!! I’M FUNNY!” SHUT UP!!! Fucking liberals!!! Fucking NIGGERS!!! Why are Nigger Americans only 12% of the US population but 50% of the prison population!?? Huh?! NIGGER LOVERS!!! Exactly! Ha, ha, HO LEE SHIT! Hideous reptilian 150 year old face... alcoholic shaking... where’s my pretend girlfriend w the man body that pretends to sit on my wrinkled little schmeckel? Did I mention NIGGER? I’m Still HILARIOUS! Where am I? Why are niggers allowed to own property!??”

That's actually an improvement on his turd of a set.

What? Too REAL, libtard?

For anyone who hasn't seen Ant's set at the roast in question -

You be the judge..

The infamous "you people treat cruelty like a videogame" line came after his passionate love affair with Ms Lightning was revealed.

Putting aside the eye-watering hypocrisy of that statement for a second, it doesn't even make any sense since people here could not have been nicer to Sue. We were merely laughing at how defensive Ant was getting about his "friendship" with her.

A thin-skinned little cunt indeed.

I hate that I never got to enjoy seeing the footage of his bombing. :(

It just him saying racist stuff followed by no laughs.

I'm sure he was still hilarious!

" And then he said nugget but I had a different N Word in my head"

I'm not joking. That's literally how it was though I forgot the actual jokes.

He's so edgy.

Hard to believe that one of our resident autists didn't download it


He bombed worse than Keith at Patrice's roast and Ant prepared material. He bombed even worse at Vos's roast with that terrible heckle that instantly went back to him being a pedophile. Shutting him right up as he felt humiliated by the truth. Fag.

Anthony knew what reddit can do since the Joketober days. No excuses for him for starting shit.

At the risk of the pendulum swinging too far the other way, Opie wasn’t 100% wrong about him manipulating the haters. We’re a rowdy, leaderless, and fickle movement, but we enjoy red meat every now and then. And Anthony knew when to throw it in our direction when it made his meal ticket look bad. So fuck Jim in his pedophile ass.

Fawk yeah!!!

Did he really dox his own subscribers using their account info over this? Who would be dumb enough to give a business their credit card information after learning the owner is capable of doing something like that? When he starts to go broke he will be using his subscribers credit cards to pay his bills.

Club Soda Kenny does better stand-up

The roast passed