I almost feel sorry for him.

61  2018-08-25 by RBuddCumia


Just remember, he's having a great time and we hate that.


no matter what you think of the guy this is some serious real life tragedy , what a superfluous cunt thing to say to that

Laughing about a child being killed by his father is one thing, but an 80-year-old dying of cancer, that's where decency has to step in.

Who really gives a shit about strangers? It's just bad business not to feign humanity when your real name is attached to the post.

Its not even giving a shit about strangers. its the subject matter that the ultimate tragedy of everyones life is that everyone of us grows old and then we are gonna die and there comes a point where u make the conscious choice not to continue with your brian tumor treatment because its just not worth it anymore. Thats so easy to connect with and feel sad about different then some guy using his child as a learn to fly penguin after an imagined police chase

It’s the fact that Ant is 20 years younger, never served his country or sacrificed anything for anyone, and already has a deteriorating mental condition.

already has a deteriorating mental condition.


This seems arbitrary to me. I guess you lost somebody to an illness and that's why you feel that way.

Didn't mean to shit on you personally and I'm not above holding double standards myself, but I still disagree.

Hmm if that seems arbitrary to you than you haven't really thought much about your own life. You don't need to know somebody who went through that. You just need to know that you or somebody you know will likely go through that. Getting old and dying is what happens. It doesn't have to be because of an illness. Granted, if you live long enough you have a better chance of getting ill. But the "tragedy" is that everyone, even people who don't do dumb shit and get themselves killed young, will end up old and sick and dying. And in this case McCain has made the choice to stop trying to live and let himself die.

Three words: Stupid Roe Cumia.

And if you ever stubbed your toe, you might be able to guess the pain Kuhn's son went through.

Btw, I wouldn't think less of anybody for feeling the way you do about such an issue, but it's still seems arbitrary to me.

His point is, laughing at a child dying and laughing at this are roughly equivalent, so the distinction is arbitrary. Send me a message if you need more assistance.

no i didnt. Im just not above feeling sad for a strangers tragic situation and i think most people arent. It doesnt mean that it affects me in a deep way but my genuine emotion can be compassion when i hear about it and maybe youre right and im harsh on Anthonys reaction because it is Nana who we make a sport out of disliking and its his political agenda shit he decides to go with when making a joke about it.


Whatever I guess u're right i really make and laugh at terrible jokes about tragic situations that just have happened and I just was taking an easy opportunity to bash tranpa

It seems arbitrary because it absolutely is arbitrary. Don't expect him to have insight into that, though.

“Feigned moral outrage!”

...and "ultra" patriot cumia attacking a man who was a POW.

Laughing about a child being killed by his father is one thing

Well...that was hilarious

McCain was a tireless advocate of mass murder so I'm neutral on his poor poor cancer.

"boohoo, the poor war criminal"

suddenly you're mr morals?

oh eat shit you fag

now thats a strong reaction to some carefully worded thoughts on virtue and interpersonal obligations.

nevertheless i wish you nothing but the best and i see your point that in those troubled times it's often easy to blame those who are easily blamable and forget that oneself is the one we should start our critique with.


the meanness of people in this sub is a direct byproduct of their unusually deep sensitivity

this guy gets it 😂😢

You’re trying too hard, faggot.

thats how i feel about your name because you are one of those people who are real deal (not as a joke) angered by Alex Jones. And it's pathetic.

Thanks for caring so much.

i'm not the one logging on reddit with a name meant to prove something

Says the guy so triggered by it that he’s seeing shit that isn’t there.

your username is an expression of you being triggered

One of us knows the meaning of that word, and it isn’t you.

one of us experiences it every time they enter their username to post angrily about Cumia for 4 hours a day, and it isn't me

Nope, we’re on this fag train together.

You're such a fucking fag sometimes. Often funny, but a huge douche when you aren't trying to make jokes

Often funny


John McCain would give Ant a tummy tuck with a k-bar.

What an asshole. Anthony has turned into such a douche bag. He needs to be ip banned from his addiction.

He would just use an incognito browser and get around it.

True but I gotta imagine he wouldn’t keep identity secret for long so they would just start instant banning all of his accounts. I imagine they have the same thing with Alex jones. He’s banned from everywhere and I doubt if he made a twitter account that it would stay up long

What's the point of having an incognito browser if he has to tell people on his show his handle? He's nothing without an audience.

Idiotsguidetoconservativethinkin’.com must have decided a war hero who went through unimaginable terror and pain for his country is the enemy now so of course the dumbest cunt alive would feel comfortable mocking him. I honestly wish someone would just execute him on his doorstep.

John McCain was getting his balls tortured in a bamboo cage while Ant was wearing his mothers shoes and playing with puppets.

An actual fighter jet pilot, POW, and survivor of the USS Forestall disaster...or a man who was beaten by a woman, made racist comments and then was fired from his cake radio gig. Tough choice.

Ant is everything wrong with the conservative right

The conservative right wants nothing to do with him.




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Anthony would 100% willingly live in a dictatorship if it meant black people were made to "behave" at gun point. Literally every single one of his political views boils down to "What will keep me safe from black people?"

Ant is not a conservative

This was his last tweet of the night at roughly 4 in the morning.

What a classy way to top off the night, right folks?

We'll look back at tweets like these and laugh when Anthony's dementia/wet-brain worsens and he has his teary-eyed final Compound Media show, all before being shipped off to the cheapest home in Long Island to rot by brother Joe and his live in prostitute Missy.

his live in prostitute Missy

God, that's so accurate.

You think Missy just gives Leatherface a gloved handjob once every 2 months as rent? Even back in 2014 Stettin said his dick barely worked and so did GoLightlyWithBrokenRibs later on.

He wasn’t nearly as hideous, drunk, wet-brained or lethargic as now.

Despite her manly huge upper body lots of guys her own age (35) would still want to fuck her, so I wonder how many late 29’s yoga bros she fucks while Leatherface Nana is at home having Bud Xanax nightmares of tranny cocks and Reddit trolls.

His cock didn't work cause they're technically not men.


We still don't know about Missy.

It's really because they were too old. I genuinely fully believe this. It's no joke.

Can’t wait for her post-breakup AMA.

There will be a lot of activity on this sub after the Compound Media show where it's revealed Anthony can't remember who Keith is anymore.


Meghan McCain has some big fat tits.

Oh and thoughts n prayers, thoughts n prayers.

That's because she's a big ol' fatso


Why would McCain need his cancer fixing? He's an eternal annunaki lizard

I almost feel sorry for McCain but it's very hard to do so


Always liked McCain. I don't really know what his politics are, but he embodies much of what we read about American soldiers, their tenacity and bravery.

No hes a faggot that got pissy when people said he wasnt a hero

Ants a really odd guy. He whines about what bad things people say to him online then comes out with this tweet.

Hmm where have I seen mental deterioration before

In Roe “Nigger Womb” Cumia.

Whatever you think of McCain's politics, the old guy survived some Rescue Dawn shit and is now dying from one of the most obscenely aggressive forms of cancer there are. What a piece of shit Cumia is.

Anthony couldn't even bother with his own mom who was dying from an aggressive brain disease what makes you think he has any respect for someone like McCain?


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Wet brain insults cancer brain. Fuck Anthony. John McCain isnt perfect, but a POW war hero deserves respect.

I also don't agree with Mccain's politics, but I respect the fact that he is a war hero and a good man. Wishing death on the man is absurdly crude. I might hate Ant more than any man that I've never met

Around the same time Mccain was being tortured, Nana was sporting her fur coat.

When Anthony is 80 years old I'll be 48. If he makes it that long he will have burned through all of his money, burnt every bridge, and lost every hanger-on. His brain will likely be in an advanced state of dementia. And I will make it my mission to find his shitty NJ hospital room just to laugh in his face.

If that will be your mission as a man who will then be well into middle age, you need to re-think your priorities.

Sorry but I'm not taking life advice from someone named after a rodent infested restaurant.


How did this guy hang with Patrice so much and yet he STILL doesn't understand that they are all on the same side...fuck George Carlin was in the same room with this faggot and he still doesn't understand about the big club we ain't in. Sad!!

Cumia still lives in a shock jock world, but he just comes off angry, unfunny and crying for attention. Without big hitters propping him up, he's very average.

McCain was tortured for 5 years as a POW.
Cumia couldn't even talk back to Opie.



He's such a meat puppet for extreme right politics. A group that will NEVER ACCEPT HIM FOR HIS MANY AWFUL OFFENSES AND TRANSGRESSIONS.

Say what you want about McCain's politics, but he's always struck me as a very upstanding guy who would have the balls to go against his own party when he morally or ethically disagreed with the laws they wanted to push. Most career politicians are such zombies they blindly follow.

Not saying he's perfect, but Anthony has no fucking room to shit on a war hero with a loving family who typically seemed to try to do genuinely do what was best for his country. Guess he should've bitten some more waifish jailbait hands for Ant's taste, eh?

Reminder: This is coming from a man who was livid when his grieving family was compared to Africans. THAT was going over the line.

Smart take, high school dropout.

Who gets gives a fuck if this mass murdering piece of shit has cancer? I say let him and his whole family and half of America get the same shit. Fuck him.

I honestly think McCain offed himself to spare family and friends the pain of seeing him writhe in agony and shit his pants.

In Roe “Nigger Womb” Cumia.