What a whiny piece of shit.

21  2018-08-25 by RBuddCumia


I’m sure they’d be livid one of their sales guys is taking it to a racist, women beating pedophile online. All they’d have to do is google Anthony Cumia and they’d see what a piece of shit he is and anything you did would be excused.

Funnily enough that's exactly what happened the last time Nana tried to dox someone for making fun of him:


That made me LOL

What is funny to me is he is already glued to his phone. But when he gets a mean comment he has to click on that person, click back, let it load, and analyze them. It's time consuming AF.

a few days ago on his show he said some shit about how he knows some "fbi people" and he can track down anybody... what a douche. That is the equivalent of someone you prank call and they tell you how they have your phone number and they are going to contact the authorities!!

Circle of trust faggot.

did you just do a meet the parents reference

We should all contact the store and tell them that Michael Gibbons needs a promotion and raise.

Tsk tsk, using SJW tactics when someone expresses their opinions on a platform that's meant to protect free speech.

When the beer becomes too rough for him to drink, he'll be sipping on wine coolies out by the pool like the deranged old lady he is.

Does trekbikes do mail order? I need some new bearings.

We can get them for you. Hit me up.