Jealous??? I’m retweeting my own tweets from a second ago. 😆😆😆

56  2018-08-24 by RBuddCumia


I'm not a fan of Lobster or muscular women.

But I'd take lobster over muscular women.

He's just happy he's not eating nutraloaf again tonight. Plea deals are a wonderful thing.

Come on Ant that's cannibalism

You know he's talking loud and making a scene. The only way this would be better is if this was like the Truman show and he was unaware

It’s Friday afternoon, all my bills are paid. I ACTUALLY work in, a corporation pays me...and I don’t have to groom young women to validate myself.

I have $38 in my bank account. So...what’s this queef’s point?

It’s insane that he thinks this is so Impressive

He can afford dinner at a restaurant for himself and a solid 6 1/2 (possibly maxing out his credit cards). For his crackly face and his lack of income..this technically is impressive. For non-ghouls, this is not a night you would think to brag about. By his standards...this is living the high life!

In my very humble opinion you are missing the point entirely. Even if he was dating a 10 and dining at a michelen star restaurant instead of Bubba Gump Shrimp, it's the fact that he's engaging in a very angry twitter argument with someone he doesn't even know during dinner with his girlfriend that's really telling. Could you imagine doing that? He can't just sit back and enjoy himself for an hour while out to what he clearly considers a very nice dinner since he's proud enough to take a pic and brag about it...he has to fight with online "trolls" who have "zero affect on his life". Poor nana.

Your points are perfectly valid. I think our comments combined assess the pathetic state of a not still hilarious man's sad sad current existence.

Someone could literally post a picture with a hotter girl and win every time. He's not dating a supermodel, he's dating a midwest 6.

She’s pretty, but nowhere near worth the crazy. Important note: he literally had to have her arrested.

It's so impressive and fun that he's angrily tweeting during it.

It must be so arduous for this woman having to pretend that this geriatric wetbrains social media addiction is actually a totally normal lifestyle.


I had to look that up. I hope that doesn't banish me to obscurity.

Im glad i could embiggen your lexicon broseph

It's impressive that he can crack lobster and tweet black crime statistics at the same time.

So, he is tweeting instead of enjoying dinner with his girl. This man is very sick

I've got taco bell and an actual feminine woman. So yeah, I'm good, fam.

At this point he doesn't even call it his "phone" anymore, he literally calls it his twitter, that's all it is for. Fucking obsessed crater faced dago cunt

I didn't even know you could download apps on jitterbug.

That head tilt is her looking under his phone desperately trying for eye contact. Poor girl, did her daddy love her?

You know that twisted fuck makes her call him Daddy.

That's also the closest he'll ever get to fatherhood, that twisted Ukranian shovel fighter.

Correction, Ukrainians have much lighter complexions generally.

How light can your skin be when your liver is dead and you bleed St. Louis, Missouri piss beer?

I’m guessing.... not that light?

Correct, because HE'S NOT PEOPLE!

He’s a pretty cool uncle, looks like a nice joint!

Wide eyes AND! a tilted head.

This broad is so zany

She is obviously wishes he dies from a heart attack, and gets his money.

he's at a restaurant & he's still tweeting, always a sign someone's having a great time.

He is so fucking insecure. He can't just enjoy life, he needs people to KNOW he thinks he's better.

I'm taking a very healthy shit right now. I like where I'm at Tranth.

You can only dress up a turd for so long before it melts and you're left with a little poopy bowtie

That's beautiful. Faulkner, right?

You should probably tweet that shit you’re taking to Ant. He requested it, after all.

Pretty sure that Battlefield session was well over 15 hours.

Tell tale sign over nouveau riche Moroccans.

This is exactly how the Anthony and Dani show started. Dinner, Xanex, bud light. Keep your head on a swivel Missy. Count Cumia is thirsty with bitch moves.

Missy will fuck his balsa wood bones up.

At least this proves to us that we're not getting to him at all. This shows how secure he feels about his life. He's not bothered at all by us. See?!?

Wine, dinner, movies, spontaneous fun.

Is this in the heart of Huntington village? i think i see a rat

She can't hold her head up from all the strangling.

i dunno, that neck's like a goddamn tree trunk

Man, I wish I had a 6/10 gf like this. One I have to keep on the payroll to stay with me. One like Missy Muscles who I previously had arrested for stalking me, stealing recording equipment from my home along with my credit cards.

Gah, Anthony's living the dream guys!.

I mean he's tweeting this nonsense out from the Corrado account. The same account that he used for 2 whole years to pretend he was a friend of himself.

He's almost certainly slumped over in his basement all alone per usual and posting old pics that he had Masculine Missy send him from her trip to L.A to try to stick it to the haters.

Okay so I didn't know about the Twitter account thing. I thought it was one of his retard supporters who kind of just gave him the account after he got banned. Please tell me there is a growing list of examples where he was backing up his original Twitter account by using his new one. What an obsessed pathetic loser he has become.

Lol, look at those corny, old fashioned appetizers. What a classless old boob.

100% Missy opened that lobster with her hands.

Anyone here own a gun? Tweet a picture of it to him saying you just finished cleaning it after a long fun day at the range, then ask why he stopped taking pictures with his after December 2015.

What a manly woman. Very odd body.

He sure showed us! I feel bad for the few friends he has left... even the ones he made post-O&A. Pat Dixon in particular... who joined him a few years ago when things were not quite so embarrassing.

Someone has to photoshop Sue’s head on Missy’s body

It wouldn't look right because sues body is so much more feminine

I have no doubt Ant has a more leisurely life than I do, but at least I'm not a pedophile.

"Ant, please put the phone down! We're having a nice dinner. Can't you just focus on me?"

"NO! I have to prove how happy I am to a bunch of people on Reddit!"

Nobody I jealous of your turtle faced manbody prostitute, Tony. You had this bitch arrested because she broke in your house, trash it, and stole shit from you. You're both losers.

He just can’t get out of the white trash lifestyle.

It draws him in like a black hole.

Because I know when I’m having a good time I need to constantly prove it to the world for validation. Not a sign of growing emptiness at all

I meditate, hang out with friends I don’t need to pay, have 16% body fat, and I’m very social. Also only 26 and my face is poc mark free. And I’m ACTUALLY an Italian named Anthony. I’m everything this faggot wishes he was minus the kid fucking

He’s been tweeting at a breakneck speed for the past six hours and most of those tweets have started with the phrase ‘haha’

Anthony’s definitely having a normal one. Not knee deep in bud light empties or anything.

I want to give Missy a smooch.

But I’m also not a waifish 70 year old gay alcoholic either. Yet.

Once she realizes this is not worth the free ride anymore she'll be gone too. He'll be in his 60's looking for a 20 year old and no one will replace her.

Theyre both on their phones, desperate for an escape. Paradise

I wish I could browse Twitter on my phone while having a $40 dinner with my masculine ex-girlfriend girlfriend, whom I've had to call the cops on. Sadly, that kind of bliss is forever out of my reach.

Is that a l-l-l-lobster?! My god, I've heard of this mythical creature but never saw one in person. He really does live the life, doesn't he?

"Hold on a minute, hun. I have to take a picture of my meal to prove to the Reddit trolls how awesome my life is"

This made me realize he's tweeting trolls during his "haha look at how great my life is" pic. No, Anthony, your life is twitter and being a lolcow.

That cat shit smearing cunt is so whacky, I'm starting to turn around.

These two pictures just make it look like he's trying to decide wether to sink his teeth into the lobster or that poor abuse victims hand.

This is a PSA against not starting a family or dating age-appropriate women

Fake and gay.

This is fucking nuts

I'd rather eat Ramen Noodles alone in an efficiency for the rest of my life than be Anthony Cumia.

He really knows how to hit people where it counts. I know I'd rather be an old insecure faggot with an average-at-best looking girlfriend shoveling Red Lobster and booze into my hideously ugly face before I go lose my ass at blackjack for 12 hours straight.

I'm happy and here's proof, see????

Hehehey! Missy grab the kids! We're gonna celebrate at a high class joint! Weeah going to Red Lobsta! Make sure you dress up, we want to impress the maître d′.

I'm pretty sure he never had any actual sexual contact with this girl. Did he ever see her naked?

Probably just buys her stuff so she hangs out with him, his peckah's dead anyways from all these hormones, pills and bud lights.

I'm in my house with my family who loves me.

Didn’t Nana used to talk about how Red Lobster was for niggers?

Eating lobster with a woman is something to brag about? This makes me feel better about my life, if that's the bar.

Wow. Yeah - most good lobster you just need butter. He looks like he got his served with shrimp cocktail sauce.

why is that girl with him well besides his money. she seems nice enough

Hes a nigger.

He just can’t get out of the white trash lifestyle.

It draws him in like a black hole.

i dunno, that neck's like a goddamn tree trunk