Missy goes for an asparagus piss, Anthony immediately begins tweeting.

17  2018-08-24 by RBuddCumia


Ants just cranky cause she gives him handjoba with her deadlift blistered hands. Must feel like warm crushed glass

Trigger warning!

So this idiot is saying that he’s out with his gf and she goes off to he bathroom and he whips out his phone and starts addressing the “haters.” What a fucking idiot

He’s out to dinner and the first thing he thinks of is the fawkin haters. No effect on his life whatsoever.

I bet he has restaurant green screens with green tables just for this opportunity. He spent 40 grand just to pwn twitter haters.

Anyone who complains about his "girlfriend's" piss smell is actually a faggot who would rather his "girlfriend" be a man or a post-op tranny.

Just sayin'.

The rate at which he is losing his mind doesn't spell good news for anyone

There really is no good comeback to that. Why the fuck are you on twitter?

What a sad lonely drunken slub.