Keith misspells Erick’s name.

28  2018-08-24 by RBuddCumia


Well, Keith is pretty stupid.

Ricky Nags the extinction level event of all things edible

this is going to work out splendidly.

Erock even admits he brings nothing to the table

He takes things from the table and eats them.

Neither could you, he only fucked up the last name

Looks like I can get a job at compound.

Wait! Hold it right there! How do you feel about grooming children, and I don't mean with a hairbrush.

There is more than one way to groom a child with a hairbrush

You heard him guys, lets welcome him to like only O&A fans can

He could have DMed that to stupid Keith. I hate people who make a fuzz about their fucking names. Now I'm glad that he beached at the Compound.

He's such a fucking cunt

Much more accurate is that he is Florida nouveau riche/royalty

fat money maybe

Fat stacks of hoagies and cash, unseperated

Nagel is Florida nouveau riche/royalty

I could DM you to tell you that it's "fuss$, not "fuzz", but I'd rather embarrass you publicly.

Lol "The Hawk"

I prefer to remember Erik’s more memorable nicknames..such as Hoagie Boy, Katrina Pits, dumpster gums, or the Halitosis kid

Eorck is a big fat stupid cunt who likes rasslin and simpsons seasons 15-25

Cole floats suck fucking dick and they are for queers and sissies. A real man gets a milk shake

There's no end to Keith's mistakes.

I prefer to remember Erik’s more memorable nicknames..such as Hoagie Boy, Katrina Pits, dumpster gums, or the Halitosis kid

Fucking retard.

KTC, more like KTF.

Erock's show is boring but I honestly can't hate him. Nana and worm are truly awful. Erock is just a fat dweeb.

How does Keith have time to type this post up? Shouldn't he be hammering walls/general construction during live shows?