I wish they’d investigate Cumia.

16  2018-08-24 by RBuddCumia


This man abuses his meager power at literally every opportunity, including against underage girls for the purpose of raping them.


“Trump’s success depends on how quickly he puts Hillary in prison—by any means necessary”.

-Ant, two years and two twitter accounts ago

The Cohen charges have nothing to do with Russia or Mueller, thus are not an overstep of any boundaries of the special prosecutor. Those charges were investigated and brought by a completely different US attorney in another jurisdiction.


“[Donald’s] success depends on how quickly he puts Hillary in prison—by any means necessary”.

-Ant, two years and two twitter accounts ago

I’m sure Anthony would be impartial to politics & stand by this opinion if this investigation was about the Obama organization colluding with Russians.

This is the dumbest man on the planet. He makes Bobo look like a scholar.

Bobo is a high school graduate. He’s technically more educated than Ant.


Clearly he hasn't actually been following any of this shit because this has to do with campaign finance violations, not the Mueller investigation into Russian collusion. This nigga ain't even graduate high school.

I can understand being a conservative, but defending Donny this vehemently is ridiculous. Of course Hillary wasn't an ideal candidate, but holy shit if you honestly think a gameshow host is doing better

UK lad here. I don't know enough about the US system, but is there an actual abuse of power, or is Ant being a silly little fruit again?

Whitey Bulger says hi.