You get em Teft.

175  2018-08-24 by RBuddCumia


I had a scheme that will probably never come to fruition after posting it here but here it goes: Get Ants name out to as many conservatives as possible, promote him in a positive way. Then when he thinks his life is back on track release a torrent of all the dirt and watch his dreams get crushed again.

The torrent would barely have completed seeding before he's bitten another teenager again.

The only reason he got in trouble with that one, is because she had a father in his life. The rest of them just take it so they have a sob story for their next boyfriend.

Vinnie had disowned Dani prior to her dating Tranpa. Which made her perfect prey really.

Hmm nobody should do this, it would never work.... (Mr. Burns hands)

If Ant had anything worth making him noteworthy again, he already would be

That would delicious. My fantasy is that Opie eventually runs into a relatively unknown talent that ends up being genuinely funny and able to mesh with Opie like Anthony back in the golden ages of the show. Then Opie starts a new show with this guy, establishes an extremely successful podcast network filled with actual good shows with a functional app. All the while Jimmy has gay sex, cries and milks the last drops of funny from Chip and nana shakes her cane at black people and trolls on her Twitter account CorradoSopranoCMxyz4

Anthony is not convinced of what he is saying. He is panicking because he has a book that's going to flop. He is only trying to convince his loyal fan base.

Lol imagine reading Anthony's book

Imagine that book. Lol It's predictable as fuck. Crime stats. His motivation when Obama was elected. Free speech. Opie is a killjoy. Jim is the greatest. I'm an outlaw.

I'm sure his ghostwriter smartly took anything directly about race out and it will revolve around painting Count Cumio as a free speech martyr and will pretend like he is a "conservative voice" like William F Buckley or Pat Buchanan or some shit

If he was HONEST I would be curious to steal it. If he went Into detail about Sue lightning or how he hated Jim or fucked Opie up his ass in a closet and self cutting girl was true and its beyond the limitations I would halfway respect him. It just won't. It's predictable as fucking hell. It's going to be a political cow patty.

Even if it had all that in it, I wouldn't bring that horrid cover into my house.

Ant definitely wanted Opie to fuck him but Opie wasn't interested. Fuck that "my wife/his girlfriend" shit, it's all gay in the end.

The losers leave obvious bread crumbs.

Fucking legend.

Would those be the people Anthony liked when they were going after Opie? Sloth, t-shirts, poker chips, pillows. How does he have the time?

Ants lack of self awareness is so staggering it almost feels like a 5 year long bit going horribly wrong.

The thing is in most cases he would be right about people who obsess over celebrities, but this is one of the few times it really is just fun to laugh at what a mess he is

“What they think is fake internet land”? So we have confirmation that Ant and his ballwashers think Twitter is the real world.

we need to start automating tweets towards anthony. can any of you faggots program something to tweet him a database of past tweets while also making a new account after it gets blocked?

Give Ant a break. He's just on Twitter to pwn these libtards!

I'm just trying to keep Twitter a safe space for people of color and the LGBTQRSTUV community

How do you misspell a name that's spelled correctly in the fucking picture you posted?

God this sub got so fucking boring.

Aren't you that faggot who this sub busted for ripping off an eBay seller over a Ghostbusters costume toy? "Weirdfellas" right?

The very same. Just for fun trip down memory lane, here's the thread from the Adam Carolla sub that made him shame-quit Reddit the first time.

No one gives a shit, for the 175th time. But thanks for the memories (and the views on that video, it's on Direct TV now)

True, I haven't rubbed elbows with the likes of Anthony Cumia and Tom Arnold. As a civilian, I fear I'll never understand.


I understand.


Go back to licking Anthony's nuts on Twitter, you unfunny hack. Maybe he'll have you on his shitty podcast with the other desperate nobody "comedians".

I will. Hopefully you make a new post about every one of his inane tweets and try to get dozens of replies about it, because that's totally not boring and played out. Good stuff.

Watching it bother you ballwashers so much is almost as entertaining as how it drives his drunk pedophile ass into rage spirals.


"Cool"-A retort

He also needlessly drops LA 'industry' references like anyone here gives a shit

Loser just got evicted from his shithole L.A. apartment:

that's hilarious

I have a real photo and name with links to my accounts on Twitter. As he blocked and DMed me I'm 100% sure he looked up my accounts and found out I lead a better, more fulfilling life than him. He couldn't come up with anything but "haha what a loser" in his obscurity message to me.

Haha, what a loser our Nana is.

Dang, what do you do, if you don't mind sharing?

I'm working for UPS part-time.

Get it? Cause even Bobo has a better life than nigger-faggot Tony Cameo

100% That's both of em!