Newest senator to own a hat with gutters

6  2018-08-24 by DildoRenter



his cancer is le orange drumpfs fault

You are cancer

youre an out of shape mentally ill single black mother way past beyond her prime

At least im not a small dicked fag like you

yes i like to get pegged so what?

women told me my small penis is cute :-(

goddamn you cunt

every fucking time

You're just jealous.

i have a small penis, not a micro penis like you.

It's small?


That kind of hurtful language has no place here.

He's off the the great POW camp in the sky. Gah bless


Fuckin' asshole refused an order to turn back due to enemy fire, got his plane shot down, broke his arm, and then, in his great wisdom, decided he should seek aid from an NVA army hospital. He used his big shot Admiral daddy's name to get special treatment and recorded anti American propaganda for the enemy. He then lies about his service, and uses it to advance in politics, becoming one of the most corrupt politicians in US history.

I hope he rots in hell.

I really, really don't like any politicians who hold on to their offices for that long. It's insane that we let senators and representatives entrench themselves in power like that for so long.

Term limits NOW.

That's one thing the stupid fuck never did that might actually make the country better. I hope he gets ass cancer.

I believe term limits were part of his platform when he ran for president the first time, in 2000. But then he went full retard.


We have term limits, it’s every election. We are just too stupid to vote people out.

Couldn't happen to a better person.

Life is precious. Hold your loved ones. Maybe even kiss them a little.

Fuck Off.

The six-term GOP senator, who would turn 82 next week

Hold on, we have the inexorable advance of age on line two


Life expectancy is as little as 3 months.

It's not a tummmmmmmor.

yes i like to get pegged so what?

women told me my small penis is cute :-(

It's small?