That time Greg Giraldo and Colin Quinn compared Norton's looks with a space alien

27  2018-08-24 by SuperToes845


Greg Giraldo was probably the smartest comic ever (besides Vos of course) and it sucks someone so talented died so early. On a side note, fuck Richard Belzer, pretentious douche who never accomplished shit in the world of comedy.

can't stand him either. Such a weird dude and isn't really funny imo. Always acts like he's he king of comedy with those sunglasses.

He did stand up for like a year in the 80’s when anyone going on stage was killing then was on NCIS or some gay shit like that for 20 years yet still acts like some seasoned veteran. He tried to clown on Stanhope on that green room show. He’s a turd.

was that the episode where he's holding his dog the whole time?

No, but he has a corn cob pipe the whole Tim and Dave Attell calls him Mark Twain.

I heard Belzer killed at the Babylon Club back in the eighties.

Leno did tell a story about a night when there was a notable monster sitting in the front row and everyone was tiptoeing around him, then Belzer went up and immediately called him out for being mobbed up and made fun of him and one of the guy’s goons walked onstage and broke his nose. Probably the biggest laugh he ever got.

Not even important enough to whack in the parking lot after the show. Sad!

He's 1/4 as funny as Bill Maher. Who isn't even the least bit funny I tell ya. So think about how un-funny the first guy is!

He sucks. Doesn't he get killed in the nightclub in Scarface?

black women are important members of society that should not be sterilized and ignored

What a show. All hail CQ.

Belzer is such a hack. Why be funny when you can have a "look"?

Richard Belzer’s finest moment was that time Hulk Hogan cracked his head open on late night.