We have to finish off Anthony. The only way we're going to be able to do that, is by getting those "Giselle" texts on Dani's Apple Watch.

13  2018-08-24 by TangerineReam

If Danny Ross was telling the truth about all of that, then those texts would still be there (not sure if you can erase them off your Apple Watch). That would be enough to really send Anthony over the edge, hard.

We have to reach out to Dani somehow. If they aren't there and have never existed in the first place, then no loss no foul: It would just confirm how much of a crazy liar Danny was and is. If they are there, then it would be enough to get the ball rolling on Anthony snapping, maybe even getting a mid-size blog to pay attention to it.

We just have to appeal to Dani and her issues with Anthony, while providing her a safe space to vent all of that stuff...get her to spill the beans on inside Compound stuff and Anthony's house (Sue Lightning, egg vibrator, etc.). Accommodate her enough so that she shares the texts. She probably cant talk about the last incident with her and Ant because of legal shit, but everything else should be fair game for the most part.

Once we have the texts; we can post em on here, share 'em, meme 'em, post them on Nana's Corrado account, etc. He'd lose his mind, might try to claim libel (although he would then have to prove that the statements were false, which he didn't do the first time Danny said all this).

It's worth it, I think.


Agreed. You get right on that and let me know how it goes.

I dont get you faggots: Why be sarcastic about something like this, when getting Dani to hand over the texts would bury Ant, nearly for good? Why be a dick?

Dont act like you wouldn't want to see these either....

I agree.

Do it

Explain please.

provide a safe space to vent, huh

you f-word

I’m guessing $50 in drug money would get everything you need from the dumb waif.

That’s only half of the cost of a live read on Samcro Joe’s wildly popular “Guilt By Association” show!

Yeah she came here once and this place fucking annihilated her. I'm sure she'll be open to sharing personal information

She did an AMA by proxy here after the Sue Lightning stuff exploded

Whonis the dude who had contact with her? He coukd probably convince her.
