Brother Joe updates on 2U behind the scenes drama - The "nitwit" is no longer involved

14  2018-08-22 by dropngo


Joe has too much to lose maaaaaan. Don't want to throw your life away fighting a weirdo that plays dress up with you. The whole Cumia squad has a thing for costumes and theatrics.

Its half acting, half musicianship

100% gay

My teenage niece post less dramatic content and she's in middle school

Is she single? Asking for a friend

If you bring her to the Compound and let Ant put his walking dead fingers on her you could probably squeeze enough hush money out of him for a kitchen remodel and his and hers bathroom sinks

I'd be willing to let her be bit for some of Tranpas bud light bucks

It would be worth it showing up to court with a forensic dentist and a casting of her hand with the chomp marks on it

Oh shit. We need a young looking woman on the inside like To Catch A Predator to, uh... catch this predator..

I had the idea of leaving a young lady on a leash outside his house but she would get snatched up faster than the goat in Jurassic park


"I also don't work a day gig"

None of the other words are necessary

No need when you're sucking on your brother's teats

I doubt they'll miss having joe in the band they're a u2 cover band and the edge cant play shit without his effect pedals it'll be pretty easy to replace him

U2 cover bands are also naturally fading into obscurity along with U2 themselves.

I wonder if he see's the irony of having to sing "with or without you". At the the Smith Haven mall's food court for Illegal Immigrants sitting there for the free air conditioning.

Team Mean Gene

Joe, why are you bragging about having had 40 guys in 2 bands over 20 years? That’s retarded and beyond obvious to any rational person that this is evidence of how much you suck as both a musician and a person.

he's playing at the main gate of the Golden Dome in South Bend, IN! Joe always wins in the end because he does all of the work.

So that's 40 people who have heard Joe proclaim "I am not a pedophile!" as he kicks them out of his dress up and play make believe club.

These assholes are ruining my band. How could they keep this going without me? Who writes the songs? Who rents the van?

DId you all acutally read this? I skimmed though it and the amount of drivel is off the chart even for wordy Joe.

Is it a genetic disease with the Cumias to have absolutely no self-awareness at all? This is a childish, massive screed about how egotism is bad for tribute bands written by a preening, back-patting egomaniac. He may as well have written this on an 8x10 glossy of his face using his own semen as ink. How does an unemployed welfare recipient get so much arrogance?

Worldstarhiphop marathons at the Compound.

Joe got some corny selection, even if I was gay enough to wanna be in a cover band it sure as fuck wouldn’t be journey or u2

How is this man able to generate so much rage from me when I already give so much of my rage to Cumia related causes?

Agreed. Just when I think I’m out of disgust, I find room for more.

"We get to play for 20,000 people, 50 at a time, as they walk by."

40 bandmates in 20 years--and there's one consistent factor. Nice lack of self-awareness of who exactly is the problem, stupid.

THAT Nine Days - This band is for fucking fags

Wow, Saint Joe really is unlucky. 40 unprofessional, drug-addled ingrates came and quit his supposedly paying gig in just 18 years. How could one incredibly likable and professional man be so unfortunate so many times?

How can one man be so worthless?

What normal musician would ever be in band with bragging/blowhard Joe Cumia?

I counted 3 typos. Fucking tard.

When musicians brag about playing for 20k people it isnt 50 people at a time. What he means is he's playing all fucking day for groups of people waiting for their wristbands to some other shit. 200 dollars for 14 hours minus travel.


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