this is actually what comes up when you google "wigger" lmao

395  2018-08-22 by Amplified31


its the first when you search wigger homo

Somehow, that's not as much of a surprise.

50 cent. And 60k.

Heeeereeee... cooomeeesss....

Line from a gay

It couldn’t have worked out any better if you had set yourself up for this punch line with one of your alts.

this all has me crying laughing

Did you have to pull over your car on the side of the highway?

Also while holding my sides

And spewing coffee on my keyboard


Man, I actually missed my plane 'cause I couldn't stop listening!

homerj123 got a nigga, ribs hurtin' taDAY!

Wow. It actually is.... I just googled it and that really does pop up. hahahahahaha

yeah we know. we can see the thing.

Thought it was fake cuz

that kind of makes it sound like Norton is richer

of course Jimmy does it in a tiny corridor; i bet he thought the people he was blocking were motherfucking him

that lady in the back is fuckin pissed

She had to put up with Jim's farts on a plane can you blame her?

she's a problem, man

Does anyone ever look not pissed exiting an airplane?

Yeah, people who realize that the miracle of air travel is worth some cramped legs for 3 hours

alright Louis

Can you give it a second? It's fucking going to space! And I'm cuming on your floor!

Grateful faggot

Holy shit! That is too good. I'm assuming he doesn't even know about this yet or he would have "relapsed" on some rum raisin ice cream.

Oh my god I thought you were kidding but it's true. This is the greatest thing since Antwan Kumiya's trip to Nice.

Hahahahahaha yeah Anthony's actually BLACK right guys??????? Hahahahahaha Antwan Kumiya because it sounds like Anthony Cumia hahahaha still funny after several thousand posts

Good job ruining the thread you fucking unfunny cunt



You got me

That's what it is

The Antwan Kumiya joke is actually funny after 3,000 times and anyone who says they don't like must be just pretending

"I live in a van but you're all mentally ill!"

I live in a van because I can’t afford a house not because of mental issues

You can't afford a house or apartment because you can't hold a decent paying job because you are mentally ill.

Keep thinking it's everyone else that's weak, crazy or pathetic. You will drinking your own urine on a regular basis during your final days.

You’re wrong

weak and pathetic

Yeah having another adult male you call "boss" is really respectable

How humiliated would you feel if the female you're interested in saw you taking orders and nodding your head obediently

lol so you sleep in a van because you're too proud and dignified to work. you're not in prison and you're not a criminal so what are you? a guy who brings women home to his van?

how the fuck do you browse this sub dude you've got more pressing matters like running water. thoughts and prayers.

Just stating facts

This response actually ruined the thread. Good job faggot.

It's insane how big of a wigger I was when I was young. I am very glad we didn't have cell phone cameras back then.

Same here man. Grew up around spooks and had no dad so I thought XXXL white tees and baggy jeans sagging below my ass was so cool lmao.

I had very good parents. Grew up very upper middle class. I had a lot of black friends because I was good at basketball. But it started because I saw a black dude named Jamal at my school wearing tons of jewelry. And I said "I'm gonna do that".

But I took being a wigger to another level. I was half boy band, half wigger. I had boy band style hair, that was bleached blond. But the rest was wigger. I wore so much jewelry. A huge chain that came down to my belly button, with a huge cross. A watch with so many fake diamonds, you couldn't read the time. 2 bracelets full of fake diamonds on the other arm. And a fake gold Washington Redskins super bowl ring (that would turn my finger green).

Then I would wear throw back jerseys, Mecca, Fubu, Tommy Hilfiger clothes. And very baggy jeans with patches on them. And fake Timberland boots.

Did ya?

Go on

I've never fucked a black girl.

Could you describe it for me, in excruciating detail please?

Ummm, "for science."

For science - don't ever say that shit again it's fucking gay

Mike Cannon said he was half boyband half wigger too. I get the wigger aspect but not the boyband. Unless it was during N-sync and the backstreet boys.

Yes, it was during the N-Sync and Backstreet days. Also, I was doing it specifically to get girls. And I noticed that a lot of wiggers were trying so hard to be black that they looked ugly. So I decided to go for a good hairstyle that was not wigger, and because I knew girls like boy bands, that's what I went for. It was kind-of like Mark Mcgrath's hair, only fully blonde.

And I am definitely not Mike Cannon. Although, that is what Mike Cannon would say. So who knows.

Look at the guy beside behind them, irritated and trying to get past. Look how annoyed and bothered 50 Cent looks. Look at the expression on the woman behind them.

All this so the little worm can get a picture with a celebrity. A celebrity who btw I guarantee Jimmy doesn't care about really. It's literally about how big of a name they are for the worm. I can say to a certainty that he'd prefer to get Tom Cruise's picture than he would Ozzy's because Cruise is a bigger name. That's all that matters to this phoney little cunt.

I hate him.

You mean the huge nigger with G-unit t-shirt?

Geeze, tell us how ya' really feel

Do you think Jimmy pointed at the camera first, then 50 cent copied him to be cool?

I didn't even notice this until you said it. He is standing in The FUCKING EXIT TO A PLANE. I cannot describe how annoyed I would be if I saw this fucking worm standing in front of the exit to get a picture. also Imagine if someone did this in front of the worm. he would spend 45 minutes complaining about it on the radio.

That’s cuz you idiots put it up there. A quick search reveals that it’s a picture on a Reddit forum. You are all toxic.

Fuck off, Nigger.

Hurr durr anthony is such a racist hurr durr. This sub is pure poison

Sorry Jim :(

I just searched it myself, it's number eight in the results.

Yeah. As a reddit post these cunts created.

It looks like Chinless dragged his entire table over to Robin’s.

But he's still adorable. I miss old Jimmy.

I assumed this was Photoshop, pleasantly surprised

Ome time i was on a plane with kanye west and i wanted to say hi and see if he remembered me from his music video i was in but i used my judgement and left him alone

Which one?

please tell me you were in golddigger so I can jerk off.

Jimmy doesn't even look happy there. Just dead inside.

here, there, anywhere

It is there because of a reddit thread on this subreddit with only 43 upvotes.


So...considering the tools here will upvote anything with a derogatory term and the face of someone in the O&A universe, it would be real easy to replace that photo with something else.

I want to smash both their faces in with a cinder block

God, that’s an embarrassing picture.

Thanks for the picture fiddy. It's genuinely appreciated man.

Didn’t know “wigger” stood for “worm nigger”

And Jimmy used to make fun of Chris Klein for talking yo yo man dats nice to sway to assimilate.

Jimmy trannypornin'

As adorable as old Baby Face Jim is, he looks astoundingly out of place in this, more so than most of his awkward "Can we get a picture?" photos. What a slime.

Jim actually used to pride himself as being an OPEN and HONEST individual

Nobody in this photo is happy

Fucking incredible

The skinhead haircut certainly didn't help things.

I feel that this woman's look of exasperation totally personifies the mood of this goddamn subreddit.

This also comes up when you google "no defined facial features".

Haha it actually does

The Magic Stick and The Tragic Twit.

This is the funniest thing I've ever seen.

hey its the vitamin water guy and some lesbian

Line from a gay

You can't afford a house or apartment because you can't hold a decent paying job because you are mentally ill.

Keep thinking it's everyone else that's weak, crazy or pathetic. You will drinking your own urine on a regular basis during your final days.

You’re wrong