Somebody tattled on me to Nick Di Paolo.

19  2018-08-22 by BeigeFrequency


fuck em

Good, Nicky D is the man.

nick dipaolo is dispassionate, despite his apparent anger

i foresee him doing nothing

I just find it funny that somebody felt the need to drag him into this and then lie to him to boot.

no such thing as bad publicity, friend

I find it funny that Nick's collaborating with North Koreans.

lol "we're all liberals" OF COURSE WE ARE

"he's coming after you next"

These Cumia ballwashers are total white trash, they give good-natured Nazis a bad name

And then Nick is like "yeah well, if so, we'll come after him, but not really of course"

Oh and btw, Nick deserves credit for actually doing a semi-polished show that appeals to his fans. That's all you want out of a podcast, and Nana can't even do that and all of his shit is behind a paywall.


I listen to the free shows every now and then. What I like about it is, despite the video element, you absolutely do not need video at all to enjoy it. He more or less perfectly recreated his radio show, which is exactly what you'd want as a former fan of his SXM show.

I also like the college kids he got on his show to work for leftover gabagool and ravioli. He actually knows how to have fun with the intern bucks, which Ant and Jim have forgotten.

Granted I could understand why left leaning people would not like his show, but Nick does the edgy conservative talk radio angle the best out of anyone imo.

I used to listen to his shit from 10 years ago when he was doing Blog Talk Radio. Anyone else remember that shit? Anyway, the guy hasn't changed a bit, which I actually like. He's a dago curmudgeon who says that liberal shit is gay.

There's another guy who tries to be like that, except it's been proven he doesn't actually like free speech and shoves vibrating eggs up his ass. But that's another story.

To Nana's sycophants if you don't want to support a pedophile, rapist, racist you're liberal.

Get off your high horse

What's with these guys finding out where the people who talk shit live? They all now koreans and fbi agents for some reason.

Nick was clearly joking about the Koreans. Ant was not about the FBI.

Was there really that much stuff out of context in your series? It seemed, to me anyway, a retelling of events with your opinion/take sprinkled in. I don’t even get what that guy is talking about.

A fine documentary.

bunch of nypd dick sucking gunieas

Nick should really stay in his lane

He looked shaken and bothered by the caller's claims.

That's an awesome set he has though, infinitely more updated and classier than Anth's. Shame he went directly into a "white people are innocent, niggers are the devil" sstory immediately afterwards in this clip.

These guys are made unfunny by their own obsessions with race.

How do you "take out of context" Anthony breaking his girlfriend's rib and getting arrested?

this cunt with a lisp blocked me on twitta

I told him I though he was a paranoid cry baby right winger but I was enjoying his new show, and the fucking cry baby blocked me

Fucking greaseball friend of a kid fucker wants to talk hard... Can't wait to see you destroy him beige

I used to listen to his shit from 10 years ago when he was doing Blog Talk Radio. Anyone else remember that shit? Anyway, the guy hasn't changed a bit, which I actually like. He's a dago curmudgeon who says that liberal shit is gay.

There's another guy who tries to be like that, except it's been proven he doesn't actually like free speech and shoves vibrating eggs up his ass. But that's another story.