The haircut of an alpha

60  2018-08-21 by Single_Action_Army


That's top tier talent right there.

i mean it's one thing to get your hair cut like that one time maybe as a goof or something idk white boys are weird.

but to fucking maintain it and make that your signature look? get the fuck out!

We don't all get to just slap a wig on everyday you pot bellied colored....

Yeah but white boys be like its grow a mustache month! And all kinds of gay shit

All black women can grow a mustache thicker than a Puerto Rican pickpocket. Your upper lip could look like Mike Schmidt's in less than 3 weeks.

You got me there

The black ones are prison bitches and dunkin donuts drive thru worker trannies, the white ones do gay shit like that, 2 wrongs dont make a right

Don't be jealous of us cause we got the good hayr

Spook hair feels like a horse tail. Truly repulsive stuff.

White people hair is limp and greasy

I saw you post on a hair sub before. While you pay boatloads of cash for those curls, mine are completely natural and they're not attached to a black scalp.

Nice jewfro, stupid.

I don't have a fro, retard, I have luscious blond locks.

Go on; I’d like to hear more about those lustrous golden curls.

You've gotta pay if you want me to keep talking dirty.

I like Sam Hyde more at this point, but theres no denying he is a complete Tim Heidecker wanabe

My shits all natural

All natural horse hair.

Black people have Chia Pets on their heads. Coarse & pubic.

I understand this reference.

Archie and anthony

He looks like the pinnacle of mediocrity.

the Dave Smith of the Cumia extended universe

More like dick sniff right gang

try hard with a haircut

He looks like he has a fat wife

you talkin' to me? (In a morose tone)

Nice haircut stupid

Totally appropriate for a man his age. He's totally accepted the passing of his youth.

If you told me it was a FTM tranny, I'd totally believe you.

Too many straight dudes are getting lesbian haircuts. It started with that ugly faux-hawk, but it won't end there. In five years, you'll see guys who look like Carmen Esposito.

Thats most dudes in brooklyn already

For a recovered addict, he certainly has the ruddish sheen of a breakfast beer.


Who else likes Kevin Brennan the over this guy?

2 guys on twitter told me to killed myself so I reported them / there's video and audio of this

This guy's a comic

Dave really doesn't get enough hate, probably because nobody listens anymore.

He looks like a troll doll in a 4XL t-shirt

Compound couldn’t afford new shirts so he is stuck wearing leftovers from Artie

I bet he listens to Bad Religion and Rancid, but only the radio friendly songs.

Hey, hey.

He goes fawkin deep.

He has a very cherubic face, no wonder Tranth likes him

"Hahaha dude it's not That's why they can't put up their pictures we would just fucking destroy you!"

I've never listened to compound or even O and A when the cellar comedians werent on. Who the fuck is dave landau exactly? is he some middling jersey hack comic that ant got for cheap?

There's a kindly old lesbian lady in my building who has the exact same cut.

Just when you thought Artie was the worst decision ever made. What makes Anthony think he needs a co-host anyways.

People on here hammering him for not having a cohost.

The fear in those eyes..

Someone definitely touched him years ago.

He looks like the type of mini-men they employ to play teenagers in porn, but fat

the Dave Smith of the Cumia extended universe

Nice Tamagotchi shit, stupid.

I guess when you’re this nondescript and still think you can make a career in showbiz, having a stupid cunt haircut is one of your only options.

Three Days Grace lookin' niggah.

My cousin who's four has the same haircut, because he's a child and not a grown ass man embarrassing himself with an overly fat face that just looks even fatter with that cut.

Why is everybody associated with and including Anthony a fucking man child?

Looks like the kid from Gummo.

he looks like he gives a good gummer aswell

Nice buttfuck handle for your boyfriend, stupid.

I'll betcha it's inspired by the fact that he doesn't like his horseshoe balding and thinks he's covering it up by erasing the hairline.

He just looks like complete white trash. Like a kid at a public pool who you know has annoying, stupid parents to let their kid have a 1980's futuristic post-apocalypse biker gang hair style.

It's a haircut children get when they're feeling spontaneous. It's an extremely bland attempt at being 'out there'.

You got me there

he looks like he gives a good gummer aswell