My father was killed in a collapsed skyscraper....and on that day ...I became... THE WIGGER!

56  2018-08-21 by fuckstartmyheartx


"Jokes come and go, but swag is forever"

Fucking kill yourselr

Don't fix it for him, it's: "Jokes come but and Swag is forever"

Does that make it better or worse?

I can't tell.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/dontdeadopeninside using the top posts of the year!

#1: you don't matter. worry. | 184 comments
#2: What a genius | 486 comments
#3: Stolen from my friends snap story. | 328 comments

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We don't do that here, faggot

That's fucking cringe worthy. I'd rather have KKTN emblazoned on my forehead.

whoever just posted 'jokes come but swag and go forever is' is good and funny

im not a thief come claim it

Do we know for sure that his father died on the tower?

Was his body ever found?

No. But his passport was. It was in pristine condition. They should have made the towers out of the same material they made his passport with.



Is this a Christopher Dorner reference?

No. It is an O&A's favorite 9/11 hijacker, Mohammed Atta reference. A plane disintegrated, bodies were vaporized, and the Towers turned into a pile of asbestos and rubble. Yet some random found Atta's virtually unscathed passport.

I vaguely remember that, now that you mention it. I remember when they set Dorner on fire they found his wallet in the rubble, too

His father actually survived, but was too ashamed about Pete so he took the opportunity to start a new life elsewhere.

That's the bit, you dope!

I was setting up the bit for everybody, fuck face!

Give this fag a razor so he can shave that pussy hair off his chest

I hope he joins a cult and ends up like Theon Greyjoy

Would you settle for Jim Jones or Marshall Applewhite?

No I'd really like for him to be brainwashed and penisless

Tough but fair.

Fucking walking doodle pad. And the dumbass tatted the star of David on his stupid body. He's a fucking cringelord.

My Davidson! You all would be dead if it wasn’t for my Davidson!


Leave Vos alone. He put never again next to it,whixh is supposed to meab something

"Tokes come but and go, swag is forever."

Remember when Joyomi came back and he had dyed his hair blond? Pete Davidson looks exactly like that.


His death would be very high on the list of things I want to see happen in 2019.

Why delay it?

Because Ant's is this year.

He can die right now and the world would be a better place.

Why are so many people rock the slim shady look? My brother got it done recently aswell, out of nowhere.

So that's two since 1999?

Jokes come but swag and go is forever

Oh my bad

his dad killed himself on 9/11 because he had a vision of his son's future

It's more likely he was busy yanking out gold teeth and pilfering wallets from corpses then got caught up in the rubble.

It’s bad enough that it’s a word used exclusively by tedious cretins but how long will it take for the word swag to seem very dated? Probably best not to get faddish lingo indelibly etched onto your body.

Swags been dated for at least a year, maybe more.

soon it’ll be as archaic sounding as “def”.

So Pete is doing gay porn now!

I hope he and his pop star gets murdered by Fat Fonzie and we get a tabloid in murder trial trial where Stangel walks like a Jewish OJ.

Wigger Rich is the only wigger for me

"Yes father, I shall become... A FAGGOT"!

That bloody, greasy spot on the floor around the South Tower must be so proud of his boy

what a savage

Before Terry Richardson got his career nuked by the pre-#metoo movement, he was THE guy to take photos like this, except his looked better than whoever shot this. I bet Pete Davidson wishes that nigga was still around to take this photo, and not whoever did this one.

Nice kike stamp pete... you should take the Jew dick out of your mouth.

He looks like he has hepatitis.

He looks like a backup dancer for Britney Spears

That's giving him far too much credit. He looks like a backup dancer for some juggalette rapper.

Ohhhh, she is setting this boy up for a fall not even his father experienced.

She's really going to 9-11 his psyche, probably within the next year or less.

This man having a mid life crisis at 24.

He's like that kid that 'wasn't quite right' but grew up.

Look at his chest, now imagine how pissed off you would be if you woke up one morning and those abominations were graffiti -ed onto your house/building wall,not even the main entrance just the facade.

Also his face is def changed since fucking with the Stangels days like his demeanor and clothes scream eminem fuccboi but his eyes are deth Idk what shit he is on

Him being with Arianna Grande reminds me of the Lyle Lovett/Julia Roberts pairing. If the guy is extremely unpleasant to look at and the woman isn't...eventually nature takes it's course.

He's WAY too into her for her to stay with him, it's been shown time and time again. She's massively more famous too, he's on SNL but it's not like he's going to have some big career from it like Will Ferrell. Mix the drugs into it, and he's going to get really paranoid when she's out of the country posting Instagrams with other random dudes.

I hope somebody cuts off that cringe inducing tat on his chest with a fucking rusty razor blade

To be fair he kind of does look like a monkey.

Staten History X

He's been marked by the Kike's by the look of it

He's WAY too into her for her to stay with him, it's been shown time and time again. She's massively more famous too, he's on SNL but it's not like he's going to have some big career from it like Will Ferrell. Mix the drugs into it, and he's going to get really paranoid when she's out of the country posting Instagrams with other random dudes.