Now the old Queen is gay bashing.

44  2018-08-21 by RBuddCumia


His wife probably died in a car accident as he was taking profile pic selfies while driving

This fag is just jealous that the other fag can live happily and openly as a queermo.

Jesus Christ, this is all Anthony has to do? I bet the poor guy visited his wife/husband as they were dying.

Has the sub's Photoshop team already sent him a Brokeback pic of him and Sue hugging? Remember, Anthony is the bottom.

It was a powerful scene. Most people who have ever had a real, meaningful relationship were moved by it. I wonder why 🐜h couldn’t relate?

~ M.

Seriously. It's pretty much the same as your shirt being your chicks "favorite and it smells like you" or her wearing your sweater you left at her place. How doesn't he get that....ooooh right...affection and closeness is involved

Anthony Cumia: Self-hating homo. Another for the ever growing list of things he hates about himself that he then projects onto others.

Who the hell is that guy

A gay seatbelt wearer

Anthony Cumia

Holy shit. Look at this guy's posts. He's not joking.


I cried during this scene, although I have a wife and a kid. What is this retard saying?

self hating homosexual, you see it a lot with some of these conservative 'family values' guys.

REMINDER: Jim won’t work with Louie, but instead does a openly homophobic racist’s show.

I don't get it, the guy is openly gay. What's so obviously insulting about this? It's not funny of the guy owns it.

~ M.

Seriously. It's pretty much the same as your shirt being your chicks "favorite and it smells like you" or her wearing your sweater you left at her place. How doesn't he get that....ooooh right...affection and closeness is involved