"But she's an old lady. I mean, look at her. She's... old. You can't just kick her off Twitter. She's... too old."

230  2018-08-20 by GorramTimebomb


I wish both had a nice warm glass of shut the hell up

Sir, could I trouble you for a warm glass of Bud Light. It helps put met to sleep

How about a glass of *back to obscurity!?

Oh dear...

Now you get banned or I will make you get banned. Look at the subbreddit Grandma.

why is this a meme place now

I guess when O&A come back live after the Summer break, new content will start again......

is it just me or has this break been longer than others 😒

Yeah-- I'm still waiting for this round of Opie kayfabe to break.

not a fan of the genuine opie praise going around lately

I'm going to hit you up one day on XBL when I'm not sidewise to game. Lookout for Edible Trousers.

Looks better than his “actual” hair

He looks like Samson Simpson

8.95 a month for compound media?

The price is wrong, bitch.

That photoshop is too perfect.

It has to infuriate Anthony to be called Nana. Has to. It's such an accurate burn of everything he pretends he's not.

He's so tempted to suck on that mic in front of him given its shape and color

He has a five year plan!

What is it? Don’t get banned?

Get fucked by Sue Lightning every day for 5 years.

[You see this name? You’re in our world now, Nana.]


I feel like this sub is experiencing a resurgence of (good) ideas and things that actually make me laugh or at least chuckle on the inside.

Good idea and great execution!


"Mr. Cumia, what you just said was one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever heard. At no point, in your drunken, racist, response, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now gay from having listened to it. Your ban still stands, and may God have mercy on your soul."