Nana is like every other Alt-Righter, filled with entitlement, fear and self hatred.

0  2018-08-20 by cheesemanwub

I cn't wait for them all to get what they deserve


oh look, a faggot in the wild

how graceful it posts

He’s a chud

"when you're used to privilege, equality feels like opression" -Shanqua LaShae

I'm with her

He's not really an "alt-righty", he's a pretend one. He isn't politically active, he's not living his life according to any principles, he's just parroting things he sees online. He identifies with the racist element of the so-called "alt-right" and merely wants the "right" to be a dick, which makes him no different than the so-called "liberals" who only identify with the superficialities of the left. He's another beer-sodden noisy gasbag who thinks the country has "gone to shit" because he has to be in the vicinity of minorities every once in a while. He doesn't vote, he doesn't endorse local politicians or participate on any meaningful level. He just wants to holler and hoot and say "nigger" and "faggot" as he sees fit, which he already does anyway. No "social movement" is "holding him down" or "oppressing" him, he has no one but himself to blame for his "plight".

Yeah, those stinking Nazis!