Opie had a shot at Jim and Sam talking penis pumps. Chip responded. Not Jim.

1  2018-08-20 by Dennyislife


I will never listen to Opie's podcast, but there's no way it's as embarrassing as the Chip show or Jim and Sam.

Oh it is.

The thing is...nobody expects Opie's new podcast to be good. When Jim and Sam first started I dont think it was completely unreasonable to expect something decent, or at least better than the horseshit they put out on a daily basis. But hindsight being 20/20, we should have expected this all along. Sam is an un-cultured dunderhead who's knowledge base extends to chicken nuggies, wrestling, stupid sneakers and Drake, and Jim hasn't been funny in 15 years

I have to disagree.

Jim and Tits was shit.. why would Jim and Larry be any better?

Tss i dont hav da balls to fawkin confront da opester so i use a hack character instead or sumpthin