Jim travels to his gigs with a penis pump

17  2018-08-20 by Dennyislife

He claims its good for your dick blood flow.

His suitcase got searched at the airport.

What a creep.


He must have watched Austin Powers once and let it influence his comedy.

“It’s a maaan, baby” checks out

Lol i wondered why he needed luggage for 2 xs tshirts and a change of underwear that could fit in a backpack. Now i know.

Patrice brought a trunk full of dildos to use on prostitutes, Jim does the same thing except they are for prostitutes to use on him.


It’s cold out here.....

bee-ack pee-ack

He uses it on Alena.

If he told this story this morning then he is likely lying. They had a porn star on last week and the subject of penis pumps came up and he asked a lot of questions that did not indicate he owned one. So, if he now has one and travels everywhere with it, that’d be a lie.

No he's said he has one recently.

He specifically said during that interview that he does own one.

Jim is such a dumb fuck. he hears one snippet of information from someone, does no research on it, but then changes his life to adjust to the retarded gossip.

What a crazy sex pervert this guy is! , He's wild! Trannies and penis pumps? Is there anywhere this guy won't go?! LOL

Trying to recapture the glory days of his enema closer bit. He really is a prop hack.

Having a normal sex life is also good for the blood flow. Its his own fault for obsessing over his fetishes to the point that its ruined his ability to have functional sex organs.