Listening to Opie and emulating him has improved my life in many ways

2  2018-08-20 by RoccoTheLoveMonkey

I dominate every conversation. I simply shout HOLD ON when I want to talk and people HAVE to listen. I rarely pay attention when they are speaking, to save energy for the rebuttal/BIT.

I have learned not be a hater. When I get fired or go through a life crisis I simply go to the beach & implore people to check out the empties.

No more piss stains on the toilet, my socks now take care of that.

My problems are put into perspective; they are nothing compared to pepperidge farm & cement bags, Opie comes from the gutter like me, he understands the struggle. I no longer feel alone when listening to Opie Radio.

Opie Radio keeps me entertained, and is a completely free product provided by good-guy Gregg. It is the only good radio/podcast that exists, and it is ethnically diverse to top it off.


Nice work brotherman, playing soundbites. I see you are a fellow scholar of the Hughes, that was Opie's favorite BIT when he has absolutely nothing to say. Vurrry good.

i feel like you might be making good posts but, ironically or not, your style is aesthetically displeasing

that was the bit

like i said, ironically or not

leave it alone