STUTTERING JOHN: "Artie Lange Is Broke."

3  2018-08-20 by SimpleAxis

So sayeth he on the latest episode of his "podcast".

The 1 minute clip is here.

Or, if you can stomach it, listen to it straight from the source here [01:04:55].

Something tells me Mr. Lange will not look upon this too kindly.


I'm pretty sure everyone already realized he was broke when he accepted the job at CPmedia

I was under the impression his "Artie Quitter" podcast was a goldmine.

Heroin has that side effect

Captain obvious confirms this on his podcast.

He's doing so much fucking heroin. He'd have spent less money if he was addicted to breaking fabrege eggs against a wall.

He'd probably save a little money if he shot his dope, but he insists on snorting it which means a good percentage of his heroin ends up lodged in that festering boil he calls a nose. There's probably half a kilo of dope caked in that fat moron's ruined sinuses right now.

Artie didn't plan on being alive in 2018 its not his fault he didn't budget for it. Like blaming a 100 year old for having no money.

Ohhhh so you’re the one guy who listens to John’s podcast

Of course he is, lawyers don't work for free.