While former radio host squanders his money on a show filmed in his basement, former intern Sam Roberts dominates all media.

34  2018-08-20 by ChrisMMatthews


I hope that faggot chokes on a chicken tender.

This sub is now going to back Sam? What a heel turn.

It's not backing Sam. It's more like saying to Anthony, "You're such a loser, even that talentless hack Sam Roberts is more successful than you now!"

Say what you want about his actual talent, but Sam is pretty successful at this moment.

thanks, Sam

Technically, that would be a "face turn".

You're breaking kayfabe, brotherman

You also forgot that he has a nice wife and a child. I hate Sam

this account is too dark to be Sam Robert's

To be expected from the last professsional broadcaster

It was funny when the sub worshipped Opie, but I refuse to do the same with Sam Robertson

Doing a clips show behind a paywall counts as tv and radio?

Honestly when was the last time he was on actual TV (aside from the local news filming him leaving jail)?

This is a guy who used to show up at Fox, have a laugh on one of the most laid-back shows anywhere, then go out to Manhattan martini bars hobnobbing with Coulter and the boys all night.

I have a feeling he pretends he's still doing that.

Sam can fuck off. His laugh is so fake and gross.

thanks, Sam