I might have went too far in a couple of places.

30  2018-08-20 by RBuddCumia


I love how this is just going to keep happening over and over, until he dies alone

Dam dude.

If Anthony would have just admitted it from the beginning and embraced it nobody on earth would have given a Fuck. But now he is fucked either way. If he admits it now he will get overwhelmed with the same amount of hate he currently is receiving for being a fucking liar all these years.

At this point we would need (https://goo.gl/images/QGYb1H)[this] level of commitment.

Admitted what? That he is friends with Bailey Jay and that is why people call him Tranthony? I mean that’s what the rumors are

I make Roe Cumia accounts, too. I try to find pics of black female zombies for the profile pic.

I’d make different choices, but I think you might be a better person than me. So your choices are great in my book.


Ho ho hoooooly shit.

Dear Anthony Cumia, this is now your legacy. Ha ha! You fag.

Those damn “shines” even got to Mommy too! Time for another 2 gallons of bud light and handfuls of Xanax to bury the memory of Mommy Ro and Da’ Wu Tang Clan fixin’ her floorboards all night.

It's so dense, there's so much going on in Ant's ass

I can respect a solid George Lucas quote.