If you have alt accounts now is the time to strike.

48  2018-08-19 by RBuddCumia


If only there was a way to continue making him laff after being blocked. Any ideas?

If you have android, just get a google voice account and alternative email for another twitter account.

Well we have Anthony's benevolence in showing us that adding cm or xyz to a name and alacazam!

It think twitter would be cool with me if I just made a new name. I’m not a pedophile after all.

I am screaming laughing omg!!!

Imagine being so despised that people would create accounts under your dead moms identity just to fuck with you.

How do I copy that picture so I can comment it on his tweets?

It’s TOO goddamnit!

Could you imagine if someone made an account like this in your life. It's shocking, adds to the fucking hilarity