I finally got the DM!

195  2018-08-19 by RBuddCumia


Welcome to obscurity my friend.

It's like waking up on a beach surrounded by beautiful women over the age of 23 isn't it?



RoslynStompnBite would be proud

All aboard the USS Obscurity!

No no no

You would think having to resort to using social media under the guise of a fictional character because you're too racist to post online would be the sign of a loser. He's the victim

I've never seen such lack of self awareness. Twitter has turned his brain to mush. It's cost him everything and it's literally the most important thing in his life

Which is exactly why we need to keep ruining it for him.

Alcohol turned his brain to mush. Twitter was just the byproduct.

LOL, the fact that a guy who was once a guest on Letterman is now begging for twitter followers on his last account based upon a character from a show that went off the air over ten years ago is just fucking funny.

Comparatively it is his most timely reference. Surprised he didn't go with the mayor from Jaws.

Someone should start a thread with suggested twitter names when old guy soprano gets banned. @blewsuegotgoo

why dont u start it

Because I have a life.

But you're on here talking about it...

Who still uses this as an argument? Every person on earth walks around every minute of the day with a computer in their pocket. You were so eager to post your parody names but too scared to put them into action? Come on.

You don't belong here

Hi EastSideDan alt number 3083. Congrats on being a contestant in the Stern Smallest Penis Contest, there Hosp.

Wasn't he just begging for 10k followers on his alt-alt-alt account?

I don't even know how to put into words how crazy this fucking guy is

nutty like a fruitcake my motha used to say

He’s shying away from mommy references? I wonder why?

How does twitter followers make you less lonely? I follow Anthony and we never socialize

This busy multi millionaire, media Empire entrepreneur took time out of his packed schedule of preparing for a show over 100,000 subscribers watch daily to send you a private message with an emoji!

PAID subscribers

I used to think he sent those just as a laugh to this sub and it's narrative but there's no question he means it now. It's almost enough to make me start posting on twitter but you autists do a fine job without me.

Every accusation, insult, and gif helps.

Haha! The account you made 10 minutes ago named nanafuckedsue has literally no followers.

It must have really felt good for Tranpa to block such a historic and prestigious account!

Historically accurate account

If the names were reversed

G   O   T   '   E   M






I literally can’t believe that he still doesn’t get it. You could sit him down and explain to him in baby steps why troll accounts don’t need followers and he would still send this stupid reply.

I literally can’t believe that he still doesn’t get it

Come again?

He obviously doesn't think that. But he's approaching Opie Levels of bad lying assuming people will be dumb enough to think he does.

Guy's such a joke now. What a weak "slam" any way you look at it. He always comes off like the skinny nancy his father hated, who lisps like a massive homo when he gets too drunk.

Follower count means everything to him and he's can't comprehend anything beyond that.

The emoji proves he's really laughing hard and having a good time.

Try as I might I never get a DM :(

So... 0 followers = unsuccessful loser. He uses followers as a measure. Asshole.

So he's what on that scale? A solidarity weirdo?

By that logic opie is a huge success and he's a fucking loser.

He might as well just save time and message "what you said got to me and now I'm mad."


Isn’t Nana unpleasantly plum herself lately?

yeah but it took a while. He is so desperate for followers that he is not blocking people

Ha! Your newly created throwaway account made only to troll me doesn't have any followers!

If you insulted him with 400k followers he would just ignore it because he has no other come back.

It is a battle of who is more pathetic! You definitely won.

Hi, Anthony!!

Tag anthonycumiacmdm

You got a dm from a pedophile!

I just blocked too on yet another burner account. We're brothers in obscurity now

Was he taking to a mirror?

What if this is all a joke and anthony was actually a quite guy, he just works really hard pretending to be a complete douche fuck.

He’s doing an amazing job.

wouldnt any reasonable person understand the no followers thing? How can someone be so clueless?

Now is he body shaming people. What next?

Does this dropout not understand that followless accounts are created solely to fuck with him. This moron is in his death throes

He really is a pathetic, sad old man.

Anthony never had the makings of a varsity athlete

He seriously cannot wrap his mind arou d the concept that these are throwaway accounts.

this is surreal

"Literally" sniff.

That guy is a hothouse flower.

He really believe that the amount of twitter followers you have denotes your importance in life.....this is one of the saddest/weirdest things I have ever witnessed. I really don’t care that he banged a little boy with tits.... I just want him to be funny again.

I would rather lead a lonely, fat life than be a 60 year old man who uses emojis.

These are becoming like fortune cookies

This is an initiation right around here.

If he just keeps sending more of these messages telling us about how much he doesn't care about us and how we're such losers, that will put an end to the trolling, right?

"Zero followers". Does Nana get the concept that this is someone she already blocked on an alt account?

He's a 60 year old who hired a cop to run a media business. He's not exactly the brightest spark.

Is he a real person? He's become a fucking parody of what he is on here. But it's like he cant help himself.


That club is becoming less and less exclusive..

How does he know you're fat?

You can tell he's crushed his career is over and he's not allowed on twitter

I've never seen such lack of self awareness. Twitter has turned his brain to mush. It's cost him everything and it's literally the most important thing in his life

He’s doing an amazing job.

If you insulted him with 400k followers he would just ignore it because he has no other come back.