Could this be what gives Ant a heart attack?

83  2018-08-19 by RBuddCumia


Either that or a hard-on.

Just masterful

What if ro was watching?

She was while rubbing her clit in hell.

My wife is staring at me while I laugh at this and could never in a million years understand why this is so fucking funny

If your wife is hot let's see her nudes.

If she's ugly just share pics of her asshole

This made me laugh do hard that I couldn't explain to my coworkers why I had to pull over and spit out my coffee!

you're gay though

She did always like black guys

The best part is that if Joe Kennedy somehow makes Anthony's dream come true and decides to respond, he'll see this underneath and change his mind.

Both of them wish they had Godly bodies such as these fine gentlemen.

Hey Joe, I heard you dicked your brother down.

Hey Joe, where you going with that cum in your hand

Why does bro Joe bother with the condom, didn't Joe Sr. already raw dawg them both?

Bro joe is taking ant to pound town.

Feed Nana!

Heeey Joe, where you goin with that dick up his ass

The Cumia's could appreciate a song parody

Anthony seems so happy when he's the girl.

my dad died of a heart attack in June, was very on top of his health and about to retire. Was a standup guy who always did the right thing point being I'd love to see Anthony dead

How did you get this photo without them seeing you?