Taking a short break from the Nana ass fucking; this is now Sam's twitter profile. He has photoshopped out his Wu-tang W double widow's peak. Lol.

14  2018-08-19 by McGowan9


Can you post the original so we can compare and contrast

I can't. This looks like he paid a professional to do a headshot and touch it up digitally. The original has probably been deleted. But here's a recent picture of Green Eggs and Sam https://i.imgur.com/1neAync.jpg

Why the fuck is Sam on fox news?

I think they still do a shitty offshoot of red eye. He's probably big enough for that garbage

Because he will turn up!! They are beyond desperate.

Why are his pupils always so widely dilated?

I don't like his animatronic-looking ass.

Why he also insists on having the worlds ugliest haircut is beyond me

Dr. Zaius!

Sideshow Bob hair, Homer Simpson stubble & jaw line. This man is atrocious.

Regular honest working family man can’t find a thing to ridicule.

Levi jeans shirts are bad ass

Oof he's disgusting....

Alright let's get back to bashing nana

Shawn Michaels' illegitimate lovechild with a Taiwanese orangutan prostitute

Gay Jewish fag

The more you zoom in the unhappier he seems.

Check out my five o'clock shadow, makes me look manly and tough, grrr.

I can't wait until he gets his ass beat by the well-endowed negro who he interrupted fucking Jess.

His fucking Wooly Willy hair is enraging. Like, if you ran your fingers through it, you'd pull out clumps

Looks like he photoshopped out his upper lip as well

You think they added that facial hair too?

I never know if his photo's are shopped or not anymore.

Why are there ridges on his forehead? What the fuck?