I won.

95  2018-08-19 by RBuddCumia


follow the money.

why won't you let me in this facility


I tried to watch that Chris Kyle movie. What a lazy piece of shit. I expected better from Clint.

Chris Kyle was a fucking crazy person lol. "I climbed up on the super dome and sniped looters".

i always thought its crazy how he got hyped as that hero. he shot unsuspecting people from a mile away. even women and children. hes like one of those drone operators who sit in ramstein, germany and shoot hellfires with their drones on villages in afghanistan.

yeah being a sniper in a warzone is a pussy ass life

He was a sniper in an evacuated city, shooting everyone including women and children who had not left. It's not like they he was a Russian sniper in ww2 Stalingrad.

he wasnt shooting random kids you retard

Yeah online the ones he got in his reticle

Cringiest comment I have ever read on reddit, hands down. I got shivers up my spine


Yes that's you and that's what I'm getting at

Hold it with the negativity

It takes the mind of a five year old to realize that "war is bad"; you just never matured past that & still think in black & white. Both of those posts made me cringe, you are unbelievably stupid if this isn't a bit.

"fuckin all these baby killin snipers why don't they stop and be a good person liek me war is bad :(" that's what you sound like

Back to obscurity with you

I'm not reading this

I know what you are, but what am I?

A faggot

Good one

Up AND down???

even if he was that is just a credit to how good he is to hit a smaller target

This is what the average anti-war drum-beating faggot actually believes, as evidenced by this thread. Everybody is pure evil except them, because they have done nothing worthwhile and are wasted shells of potential and never hurt anyone, they just suck up societies resources while contributing nothing. Soldiers literally protect them while they sleep and they hate it. Probably stems from an inferiority complex because they know they wouldn't last 2 minutes in a firefight. Fuckin soldiers maaaan they're all killerrs dvv dvv.... Yawn.

I love the insane lie that the city was evacuated and only innocent people remained. It was literally the exact opposite, it's not like the city was majority terrorists and only friendly women and children didn't evacuate. They also struggle with the reality that women and children engage in the war just as often as the men, that's how Muslims work. They strap bombs to kids.

Yeah, it's a harsh reality. US-operated drones hover for days on end to strike targets of opportunity, solely for the purpose of reducing collateral damage/innocent deaths. Iraqi forces during Saddam's reign, Al-Q in Iraq (later ISIS) used schools/hospitals and shit as headquarters; they literally use children & women as human shields as their modus oparendi. There's a fair amount of teenagers & women that are completely hostile/potentially lethal, too.

It's a tough one man.

I think these faggots are naive as fuck to be honest, they probably honestly think: "I am such a good guy nobody in the world does that"....

thank you for your service, you military bootlicker. lets aggrandise the one arm of the government which has does the unthinking bidding of the government. grow a pair.

He was a lying faggot bitch and the world is a better place now that he's in hell. Everyone agrees with me except you.

you sound weirdly invested and also gay

You just sound gay. Sorry your pussy, child murdering, hero got killed by his own gun.

lol look at this fag getting emotional over this

I've already had the lazy "u mad" bullshit thrown at me tonight. Try harder, fuckhead.

you should stop getting so weirdly upset about shit like this then

TriangleDimesVoted Biggest Faggot 2018

you're jealous cause you're smallest faggot

.......okay great. Can you go now?

Fucking owned, bitch-baby gettin' his emotions all out of whack over a soldier killing people (a necessary job). Bernie 2016 amirite?

Stop following me you weird loser.

paranoid loser, Ant levels of delusion

Fuck off spambot faggot. I'm not going to let you suck my dick today or ever.

Lol so mad!

Who the fuck are you? Shut the fuck up hillbilly.

Woah calm down little fella no need to be so mad! 😂

Wasn't there also a story about Chris Kyle shooting a guy at a texas gas station, and the sheriff calling up Chris to thank him? It’s as if Opie was in special ops.

Yeah some guys try to car jack him or something so he killed them all and the locals were just like "get out of here. We'll clean this up."

Sounds like a pretty Alpha move to me

If it happened. The cops might handle a fella like that with kid gloves as they go through the legal motions to arrive at self defense, but no department in the country is gonna treat a dead body like a speeding ticket.

We’ll see how Nassu Country and Keith the Cop handle Missy’s dead body in a couple of years. “Hands off, this north african fella just donated three new cruisers”

How is shooting teenagers through a scope not crazy?

He died in a completely predictable way, too. He was trying to connect with some mentally unstable person who went full bore crazy after violent military action in his military career and his brilliant idea was taking this troubled person with documented and homicidal psychological disorders to a shooting range with loaded firearms. I guess all of Kyle's hobbies entailed stabbing and shooting people.

And he was totally outed by Ventura.I remember listening to this interview and thought oh fuck this guy is full of shit.Strange why he had to embellish his past.

Kyle is the Army's Tucker Max. Clint didn't have enough to work with unless he wanted to motherfuck the guy.

He has the documents.

"...the Riff Raff Lookalike Contest"

He goes to the same barber as the Crypt Keeper.


obligatory thank you for your service

immy attacking this vet is what made me dislike him. I'm not a 9/11 conspiracy theorist but I'd certainly listen to the guy talk. I wouldn't yell over him like some beta antifa, and then cry microaggression when he pats you on the shoulder. What a beta blinky faggot, Jessie put his life on the line as a SEAL so faggots like yimmy could fuck tranny's without getting hung

fuck tranny's

fuck tranny's what?

Womanly digestive tract.

Jim Norton, the cocksucking contrarian coward.

Nah, Jesse just wanted to run through his script. When he started looking stupid, he tried to play the veteran card as if it gave him some pass to accept dumb ideas.



.....thank you for yer servuce.

Brother Joe's role model.



.......okay great. Can you go now?

Who the fuck are you? Shut the fuck up hillbilly.