How many Twitter accounts does Ant have to get banned before they block his IP?

4  2018-08-19 by RelevantField


He has a VPN to download kiddie porn

I don't think they can block ips. Even if he has a static ip, if they blocked people who were using that ip it might ban people who were just guests at ants using his wifi

Would that be that big of an issue?

In theory if someone left their wifi open or made enough trolling accounts on a public wifi to get it banned, then innocent people nearby whose phones were set to access open wifis might get their Twitters locked. Idk, im just guessing.

I’m just saying, the world is better off not seeing the Twitter activity of Nana and her house guests.

they don't do it because brave undercover 3rd worlder revolutionaries like ISIS might need the connection to get crucial information out to followers. you never know.

they don't do it because brave undercover 3rd worlder revolutionaries like ISIS might need the connection to get crucial information out to followers. you never know.

Most ISPs give you a temporary IP, via DHCP. If they blocked Ant's IP he could just turn his modem off for a couple of hours until someone else gets that IP, and then turn it back on. Plus, he could use his phone via its IP on the cellular network.

A much better solution would be a legal one, like a restraining order, preferably delivered to Compound Media's studio live on air. Get the process server a subscription, get him tickets to the show; he can hand the order to Nana and tell her she's been served in front of 100 or so viewers.

She might even cry.