Tony is hurt.

68  2018-08-19 by RBuddCumia


Sensitive old dandy. He has a delicate constitution and smells like rotten fruit

I dare say he is pigeon-livered and that his brain resembles a biscuit dried after a long voyage.

If only Ant had been aboard the HMS Terror then maybe that ill-fated crew could have survived at least a day or two longer before succumbing to starvation

Ronin was a good egg, RIP in peace and power!

Ronin was bullying Joseph right until the bitter end

After he talked to Joe on the phone for over an hour, he said he actually took pitty on him. Because he was having to "explain the internet to grandpa".

Already reported to Twitter for targeted harassment. Including the Danny Kike Ross abuse tweets. Hideous leather-faced, ex-shock jock, child-raping fascists CANNOT be given a platform!

You're mistaken. Twitter is an important public platform for world communication and to get people thrown off it is unconstitutional.

Says the guy who fills his home with big fat bald retards on a weekly basis.

If you showed me a picture of Big A and then showed me a picture of this guy, it would be difficult for me to tell the difference.

I hope Big A follows suit

And the guy next to him looks like Fred from Brooklyn or his idiot fuck of a brother.

And the guy to the left of them looks like Anthony.

Corrado deserves all this for telling Tony he never had the makings of a varsity athlete.

He cheated on that girlfriend and eventually had to have her arrested when she went psycho and trashed his house and stole from him. She's a loser with violent tendencies and mugshot just like you, Anthony.

I feel as though we haven't said enough nasty shit about his family and girlfriend

I'm a cunt hair away from reporting this ricchione to the Twitter authorities

So it's okay to make fun of dead people now? Didn't you threaten to shut this sub down because of your dead mommy?

"I believe in respect for the dead" - Nana Cumia.

Did he really say that?

I believe it was in the "family values" ramble, yes.

Yeah, just after he put up the 5k for the sub to be shutdown for the African funeral video.

It's also the prototype for his fans. Did he not notice that guy looks exactly like Big A?

"This is the prototype for people who relate to me."

What did this guy die of?!

... I'm gonna guess being 400 pounds

Oneal's Disease

Ah sickle cell anemia

He had secrets on the Clinton Foundation

Sons of Tranarchy

What's the fun of doing a gimmick account if you don't follow the gimmick and talk exactly the way you do about stuff you'd normally talk about that only relates to you?

Nigga has water on the brain.

It's almost like he lost his main account

lol was this guy even around for the current incarnation of this sub that started in 2015? he was posting when this place still liked anthony, and everyone here was cancelling their sirius subscriptions when they fired him.

he was the one who got Brother Joe to call him crying and begging him to help stop us getting his gigs cancelled.

Really? I must have missed that. Did he record the audio?

No, he did post a ton of emails between them with Joe pleading for mercy, and Joe confirmed they spoke on the phone at one point.

hahahahah omfg, this is amazing. Thankyou.

He's trying to get people to feel sorry for him and in the same breath running down a dead guy. What a sad wet brained idiot.

How come this account is still active? I thought they aren't allowing these alt accojnt shenanigans? I mean he's not even trying to hide it. If he wants it this bad he's gonna have to start from the dreaded "obscure zone"

He does have a point there, I have yet to see a normal looking person come forward from this sub. Or call the show back in the day or fucking anything. I'm a fucking slob myself so no excuses.

“Once you’ve accepted your faggotry, no one can use your asshole against you.”

I thought Junior was an old mafioso, what season did they discuss his days in broadcasting? Uh oh, I hope a certain drunken washed up shock jock isn't evading suspension again. I hear twitters been on the look out for such things.

But aren't his only friends Bobo - an autist whose 'thing' is to pull his dick out and drool precum all over Nana's floors and Kurt Love the child rapist?

Also, that fat lump looks practically identical to his 3rd friend Big A.

Oh fuck he's doxxed me

Getting fired because you couldn't stay off of Twitter isn't failure?

That's me on the left

This tweet can be reported for several different reasons. Please don’t report this tweet.

I like how he says " Twitter trouble" like its not a big deal to him, when we know twitter is the most important thing in his life(for some reason).

No, he did post a ton of emails between them with Joe pleading for mercy, and Joe confirmed they spoke on the phone at one point.