A Hero that could guide us

78  2018-08-19 by Der-Giftpilz


In ancient Greece the greatest and most fierce warriors would battle eachother for the right to be considered true king. This system worked until one time, two warriors named Greggopolous and Fezakala, battled for a thousand hours and still no winner was declared. To this day they are considered the greatest the world has ever known.

cheeseburger, cheeseburger, cheeseburger!

Love for Fez Marie Whatley. He’s the leader that we all deserve. Obey Fez, we are the Whatley Posse!

The Motley Whatley Posse

It's weird because I wanted to make a Fez tribute thread all wreeked and already someone has beat me to it and with a better picture than I would of picked too.

No matter how disgusting this place can get, it's love for Fez and Dr. Steve (another Collin tier good egg) always warms my heart like no other place on the internet can

And in the darkness bind us

Look at that sweet man.

The only survivor

The only one not still humping the o and a / ron and fez fame.

I would follow that man into hell.

Probably will. I heard that's where those people go.

The amount of missing boys ages 8-13 in the state of Florida has been on a steady rise for the past four years.

We don't like to throw accusations of pedophilia around so frivolously in thus sub.

Yeah, you're right.

The big cat! When Fez called into Bennington back when Gail made her announcement he sounded so damn good and actually. Hopefully he's neck deep in young cuban men down in Florida right now.

I bet he has a bumper sticker that says "my other ride is a mustache"

Fez was more entertaining even when not talking than anyone else Ronnie B has ever worked with.

Whenever I think of The Big Cat all I can picture is he finally went to Central Florida, bought the mansion and kicked Paul O out. Now he is sitting on the porch in a spearmint green searsucker suit, observing his mushroom and strawberry farm. Paul O finally reduced to the homeless beast he was always supposed to be. And Fezzie, the "gentleman farmer" he was BORN TO BE!. Long live the king.

Part of me wants to believe Fez is and has been an active member of this reddit. The smarter part of me knows he's finally happy with his fuck-you money and can't be bothered with all the assholes he's left behind in the dust

This shit is beneath him.


What do you mean exactly? Fez turns off his cell phone when he gets home and demands people call his house phone first to get in touch with him even though he doesn't know how to set up his answering machine. Yet part of you want to believe he became a loser like us commenting on a defunct radio show when he hasn't made Tweet in months.

Just accept you're a fraud and a dumbass. Don't say "exactly" like you understand the bit.


Reminder that Opie was directly responsible for his heart attack.

Fezzie always wins in the end


Pez Whatley.