Four years ago, Anthony was making millions, had 300k twitter followers and a national audience, and rubbed elbows with celebrity guests

97  2018-08-19 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK

Now he's a renowned racist broadcasting to hundreds while on his fourth twitter account, shouting into the wind like a pathetic asshole. In language Anthony would understand:



you forgot Dave Landau.


Oh, you wouldn't know about him, but you've most likely heard of his big fat wife

I hear she's begun her migration to Norway

The joke’s on you asshole! Ugly Anthony not only gets to broadcast to hundreds (when he’s not getting constantly deplatformed for being a hideous hateful nuisance), but he also gets the FREEDOM to say “nigger” whenever he wants... Whenever he wants!!

And that is something that the haters like you will never be able to take from him... that and his awesome expensive gun collection 😎

Or his bottle blonde bodyguard

Yeah! He’s not the only tranny-dick-obsessed power bottom who lusts after cis children and has a giant Germanic/Nordic blonde man bodyguard! HO HO HO! HO LEE SHIT!

Brother Joe would say all this unironically, including ratting out Ant's illegal gun stockade.

It's like watching a documentary on lottery winners. They always squander everything.

This is what we are doing basically. Remember buying the jet ski with a credit card?

Wop life.

It's the dumb wop life for us! Instead of saving, we buy shit! Instead of water, we drink spit! It's the dumb wop life for us!

"First it was buying a house, then a sports car, then eating at 5 star restaurants every night. Then it was buying Velociraptors statues in the backyard and ipad's for 14 year olds online, and before you know it we were broke and sent back to obscurity."

"I asked for Bailey Jay with a 9 inch rod; they sent me Sue Lightning with a 4 inch nub."

Only assholes with too much money would build a fucking karaoke stage in their basement

Needy lonely assholes*

Well he is the exact demographic that does that

Hes narrowcasting, and he isn't renowned, but otherwise that is spot on

and he isn't renowned

My error, I forgot he's renleased.

The remortgage was just too good to miss

Hes narrowcasting, and he isn't renowned, but otherwise that is spot on


But now he has more time to day drink while having no family, so he considers it a step up.

He had 300k Twitter followers, most of whom were Chinese clickbots.

Please. It’s “chink”, not “Chinese”. Be respectful. Microaggressions, gawd.

He could build it all back on gab maybe

And you’re still on the ONA subreddit obsessing over him

I feel like we are just kicking a piece of human garbage while he's dead. It's just fun

Poking a pile of dried up spaghetti with a stick.

In a parallel universe where Twitter was never invented, OnA are still broadcasting, and Anthony is undeniably still hilarious (without having to reaffirm it). He’s also not a kid fucker or a Klansman in his mythical scenario, and came from an upstanding family.

I worked on cel phones right up to the point the iPhone was released. At the time, I thought all the features were stupid, camera phones in particular.

I wish I had a time machine - I'd go back and just smash every last prototype with a hammer. Smart phones ruined everything.

He's a high school dropout

You know what this all boils down to? Stubborn, hard headed, pointless pride.

Would Anthony in 2008 mock Anthony in 2018 if he were apologizing t keep his job, backing down from fans on twitter/reddit, etc.? Yes. But Anthony in 2008 would be mocking Anthony in 2018 as he is now and would probably kill himself to prevent the future from taking place.

"In my basement? I'm just gonna be sitting there making new twitter accounts and ignoring the fans?"

It's a combination of pride and laziness.

He's collecting most of the deadly sins.

been listening to 2010 O&A shows, god the show was so good.

all because he had to tell society to not shoot cops

Gay Frogs

He also had his guns

Staying behind a paywall with inflated prices was ridiculous. Rogan told him as much.

Sure, the edgy shit would get him kicked off of YouTube and lose sponsors, but there were ways around that. CM really should have put more stuff out on YouTube to grow the brand. But I'm not the one who entrusts his network to an incompetent ex-cop manservant. He should have kept Gavin around and let him run the thing.

Hung out with James Bond, until he turned into a 13 year old girl and had to post all his selfies with Craig.

this sub is filled with a bunch of losers who dont leave their mothers basement. I don't even like Anthony that much but you guys are just pathetic. Get a job, a hobby or a girlfriend it's pathetic.

I feel like we are just kicking a piece of human garbage while he's dead. It's just fun

It's the dumb wop life for us! Instead of saving, we buy shit! Instead of water, we drink spit! It's the dumb wop life for us!