Does anyone know what this guy's up to nowadays? It's like he disappeared!

6  2018-08-18 by throwawizzlemahnizzl


He got lost.

His soul was sucked out by a negro vagina.

/u/sams_seed, comment?

There's a guy who looks and sounds like him performing under his name but his material is not nearly as good 🤔

He was absolutely untouchable in his prime. Obviously he's not nearly as funny now, but he's still so much funnier than Jim.

Jim should kill his parents so he can finally bear the shame of being his true self and perhaps thereby becoming an original comedian.

but worms gonna worm

He's been relegated to tiny shithole gigs like Madison square garden

i'm talking art not commercial value my kike friend

Oi vey!


Check out his podcast! Every week you can his great stories about his wife nagging and chewing him out for some inconsequential thing he did.. Then listen to him as he ultimately cowers as he berates himself saying he's really an asshole and that she's always right.

The poor fella is just a downtrodden little domestic abuse victim who let his his soul get ground away by that shebeast because he was scared of dying alone.

I hate sheepish white-guilt Burr. "Ah geez, I'm just a white guy who doesn't read, what do I know?"

He was performing in Reno in February so he must be doing great

I always thought this "rant" was a bit on the cringy side...Burr is funnier than this honestly. Not the memorable moment people pretend it was. Birbiglia being booed was far more entertaining.