"I would never, ever, fucking publicly throw one of my fucking friends, who took care of me, under the bus." - Jim Norton

48  2018-08-18 by JimNortonHackFaggot


whats your point?

I might tell you. Under the right circumstances.

when jim was asked in an interview during the louie ck drama (which was a boring interview) "would you work with louie ck again?"

jim, who always stands by his friends, said "i would have to think about it"

this is the same person who still works with anthony cumia after he battered the daughter of one of his close friends on video

thank you for the clarification

anythign to get more people to turn on jim

Like it would even be up to him

The sanctimonious tone in his voice while knowing he's completely full of shit. He is the most annoying person I've ever listened to.

He is he fucking worst. I hope someone shoots his cock off.

He’s not full of shit! Dude, he would tell you if he was full of shit and he’s not full of shit! Honestly. Blinkblink* Scanning for tranny dick

I feel like he's looking into Opie's eyes when he's saying it as if he's saying to Opie, don't you dare talk bad about my Ant! His normal loyalty dejour. Rotten worm.