Do you think Ants logged back into gab yet?

16  2018-08-18 by RBuddCumia


i bet he quickly gave that idea up after reading the amount of shit he got on there.. plus i think you can't effectively block people on gab like on twitter.

That's the only reason he likes twitter. He could use gab or reddit and say whatever offensive shit he wanted, but he wouldn't be able to block everyone who isn't a dumbass boomer.

You can block people on Reddit.

I want to thank you for repeating the comment above you for no reason.

You’d think he would appreciate a “Free Speech Network”.

He would spend the better part of the day muting only for it to show up the next day. Rinse and repeat. It really dips into the time he could be sharing his outrage with people that dont care about his opinion.

He's still looking for the block button.

The block button is his dopamine release. Like a rat at a feeder bar.

Naw,he gay.