"This is my question, for life: have we retired the phrase, 'sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me'? Is it legal for me to say, 'I endorse hate speech, I don't give a fuck'? I want hate speech. Why can't I hate you...in speech?" -Patrice O'Neal

180  2018-08-18 by yevyoyevyo


RIP Harambe

EPIC meme bro.... HARAMBE!!!! XD

He was fourteen.

You joke but I thought it was Anthony Anderson when they had Patrice on at WNEW.

Likewise. Even after I first saw a photo of Oneal I still couldn't help but picture Antwon Mitchell when I listened.

It's almost as if


niggers are inferior by nature and will never be able to sustain, let alone create or advance, the white-created modern societies they envy and prefer to live in. by mixing with niggers whites doom themselves to a gradual decline as the genius whence their societies and achievements originated is disturbed in proportion to the nigger blood poisoning their lineage. this poisoning, in large enough scale, will cause the gradual collapse of the societies and prohibit the possibility of their return unless the original founding race are able to recuperate and forbid miscegenation and blood poisoning.


"Wayke uup white people!"

Hi Anthony

I guess he's getting a little bored without his Twitter

Hi Ant.

Learn actual grammar before you attack other people for being stupid you inbred faggot. Can guarantee I'm more of a pure bred white guy then you and I just want to say that it's garbage like you that makes us look bad. You're everything you hate, except white. If you were black, you'd be the crazy one screaming in the BK line about how the cashier is racist because you're too stupid to realize the dollar menu is still taxed.


Oh fuck you got me. One letter being off is equally as retarded as being too lazy or stupid to capitalize letters at the beginning of sentences.

DAE black people are lazy and uneducated tho?

Isn't it time for your to invite over a few darker fellas and watch them ravage your body pillow? I know you get cranky if you don't service the bull before lunch.

So you're both dumb cracker ass crackers.

Sees picture of black guy, goes on unprovoked racist rant. This fucking guy Reddits.

just showing you real "hate speech"

weird that jews would hate anthony, maybe he's actually based

Hate us or love us, we all still have one common (((enemy)))

I hate to do the tired “what would Patrice think” but my god, Patrice would be sick over what a pussy and obscure zilch Ant has become.

He would still be tight with Opie though. Having conversations for hours, sipping root beers together.

They say he didn't play the game, but still he was always respectful towards the man promoting his gigs and was there to be entertaining because he knew it would draw an audience.

They got that chemistry, brotha man.

And making each other laugh. Each other. Don't forget the most sickening Ope lie.

He was 14 lbs

And Anthony exclaiming, "Yes!" and "Exactly!" as Patrice said that. What a hypocritical twat.

That's not Patrice ya big dope.

baste black man

DAE think the normies are the REAL racists?


Wesley Snipes looking good!

The Anthony Anderson pic really made me laugh.

EPIC meme bro.... HARAMBE!!!! XD

He was fourteen.