Nanas addiction is still being fed

73  2018-08-18 by pta11

He has posted over 100x in the past 24 hours on his corado account.He is not using gab because even a pedophile sand nigger like him realizes how useless it is and no celebrities use it.


We really need to get Twitter to ban corrado. This only works if he is off Twitter. Its nice that he is being squeezed into progressively smaller boxes, but only when he is fully banned will the world be safe

Superman would be proud of your commitment to public safety.

Every morning before I get out of bed, I report that account at least 3 times.

Good man!

I don't know, it's humiliating and we still get to laugh at him grieving his loss over his addiction. I think this pathetic soprano account is a good medium

Well Sue is not around so he needs to be fed somehow.


Time to make another account to report him. We need him on gab where he can't hide

Has there ever been a "celebrity" this unhealthily obsessed with Twitter? Seemingly any other somewhat famous person that has been banned just moves on with their life.

Is disproportionately ranting about black people really that important?

James Woods maybe

He is still verified and hasn’t even been suspended. Even Milo and Gavin were smart enough to just walk away and accept the loss.

Being serious for a minute, his family must realize he needs a real intervention. He has gone total batshit.

He doesn't have a family, he has a bunch of hanger-on's that spend his money

They don't care. Until the allowance checks stop coming, they won't do shit.

Who's going to intervene? Joe? 😂😂😂😂😂

As is your addiction

I reported him

Good job!

I did too

Faggot - snitch.

Ant has the resources to do all kinds of fun things, yet all he likes to do these days is spend hour after hour looking for news stories to complain about on Twitter. It might even makes sense if he was truly politically active or something, but he's not. It's all bitch, bitch, bitch, all night every night.

Even though he has been banned from Twitter multiple times he still deserves some level of respect. His name is AntH, not Ant.

"Right-wing, predominantly White male userbase Twitter has existed for more than a year. Its called Gab. Why don't you just use that?"


First he lost his verified account. Then he lost his unverified account. Then another one. Now he's left larping as a soprano's character to get past twitter's suspension.

I'm OK with that.


Watching him do his same shtick under an assumed name, because his real name has become so sullied, is just sad and pathetic. I would be mortified if I were him. After Corrado gets jettisoned, he will absolutely keep creating dummy accounts until the end of time. It's transcended an addiction at this point. It's literally his only basis for existing. He will expire on his deathbed while in the midst of trying to retweet a black crime stat as shelbyguy88.

I will have a disproportionate amount of joy when AntH finally dies.

I don't understand why he even likes twitter. Twitter fucking blows. I think he truly believes his opinion is so important and profound that the world would go backwards without him spreading hate speech about black people online. Also known as the 'truth' that the 'mainstream media is too afraid to talk about'.

He invests his time n energy very wisely

to those being unironic MUH RACISM sjws about this, can you please stop? others want to enjoy getting him banned for the sake of making him suffer for talking too much like an annoying faggot who never closes his mouth. not because we are gay enough to be asswounded by ""racism"" (scientific and sociological facts)