Haha! Remember the time Gavin Mcinnes fooled us by pretending that the guy next to him was going to shove his hard dick up his already spread ass?

0  2018-08-18 by quityourbullshit777


Wow this totally had me! I totally wouldn't believe the faux alpha male who has shoved a buttplug up his ass for no relevant reason or purpose on his show before is in anyway gay, that makes this sooooo funny because it's not believable in anyway that he has or ever will engage in homosexual activity.

All those guys in the pic are Gavin.

can someone tell me why & what the fuck was going on here??

Proud boy meet-up.

I used to like the dude until i listened to his show for some time and realized he continually parrot's the same idealistic fantasy world bullshit over and over again.

This picture however makes me hate him and incapable of ever respecting another word that comes out of his mouth even if it would save my life.

That one dude's asshole is so hairless, you could eat lunch off it.

That's why he's showing it off

It's like Marquis de Sade's version of fine China

Why isn't anyone mentioning that micro prick?

Bet yours is huge and juicy compared to that one huh hot guy?

Maybe he's just riffing because it's weird seeing a guy proudly showing his dick so hard that his helmet is purple with blood but it's below average. And no women are involved, gay shit man. Not that there is anything wrong with that in^CURRENTYEAR

Holy shit he has a small pecker. Explains a ton.

All those guys in the pic are Gavin.