Wrong, stupid.

121  2018-08-18 by Compound_MediaPR


Pox romana showing us what half a high school education be all about

Yeah but his high school was named after John Glenn so he gives himself credit for the moon landing and other white people stuff. Stolen pallor I tell ya.

Fucking guy loves twitter more than tranny cock.

Let's not over exaggerate. He really loved her.

and you were banned from it you fucking jerkoff.


Because being able to call a journalist "fat old trans looking that w/period red hair" is a human right

It damn well should be!

that was after she released an article about Opies firing. Anthony got suspended defending a man that he cannot stop talking shit about.

very bizarre period of time.

He also got fireed for going off on a woman he was taking photos of.

I can't believe we live in a time when we need to apply gender to scaffolding.

He is so pathetic.

I feel a huge blowup tonight.

How has that shithole service bot banned this OBVIOUS alt account yet?

It’s too obscure. They’ll get to it eventually.

Missy is walking around with a scarf, a pair of mittens, a sweater and some pants on, hoping he doesn't take a bite out of her.

kind of like walking dead, even the biter looks like a walker

Because we need to keep the work up. Too much celebration going on.

I will settle when he lose the cum pound or shut down the CM site

"It's content has an effect on world events."

It's affect you stupid drunk fucking wop.

No, he’s right. Affect can be a noun, but not in this case.

An example being, “when drunk, Anthony’s speech and mannerisms take on an effeminate affect.”

I'll be honest, both affect and effect work as a verb here, but I sincerely doubt Nana knows the difference and just got lucky. So let's agree to disagree.

Respectfully I can’t, because he wasn’t using it as a verb, but rather as a direct object, which is a noun. ‘Content’ is the subject, ‘has’ is the verb, and ‘effect’ is the object noun. ‘Affect’ as a noun has a very specific and narrow definition, and is not at all a synonym for ‘effect’ as it is when it functions as a verb.

No need to take the gloves off.

Well, I would blame my late night drinking and watching that shitfest Skyscraper, but when you're right you're right. You've got the juice now.

All good brothaman.

English is my fourth language and I know you’re wrong.

No it isn't, stupid.

He used it correctly. If you want to correct his grammar in that sentence, criticize his incorrect use of a possessive "it's," stupid.

Here's something to help you out, fella. "Result" can usually be used in place of "effect"

Meanwhile, two weeks later at the Compound: "SOYLENT GREEN IS MADE OF PEOPLE!!! PEOPLE!!! ARRRRRRRRRRRRR!"

too new

He must of drank a shitload today. Gab is an unfunny echo chamber (minus the troll posts coming from here). Very few care that he got the axe, and he can't promote this new Twitter handle really at all without worry. All his buddies are gone or not supping him. And his new book will probably flop.

The world has put Anthony Cumia on mute for the most part it seems.

This sub is the best thing that ever happened to Gab, hands down.

I agree but why do I have to put my hands down?

I won't be able to pick apples.


Better than what Anthony's ancestors picked :)

Lol, one of the moderators welcomed him and the new flow of users. I think that comment was deleted, though

All his buddies are gone or not supporting him.

this is my favorite part of all of this.

Oh, it's "wax sentimental" Anthony, like when he hets nostalgic about the moon landing because it was the only time his father gave a fuck about anything but drugs.

You use the platform to make fun of black people and attack liberals. Stop pretending like it's some goddamned townhall assembly. You don't care about anyone but yourself, certainly not the unity of the world through social media, you scumfuck.

So what does Pock Man want? Teddy Roosevelt and his Big Government Trustbusters to come galloping in on horseback to break up twitter? All because he can't stop harassing people and being racist on social media? You're 60 years old, you cunt ass queen.

Sounds like he wants a government ran social media where you can have your first amendment right protected. Like a townhall but online.

Weird because he normally hates taxes and government involvement which both of these would need.

He's an old man who doesn't quite understand the world around him anymore.

This is so delicious. I'm so hungry.

Feed Faggot

Which stage of grief is this?

Faggotry, I think it's step 4

But Nana calls it step All 4s, she'll stay here for a while.

Pissy eyes

i thought anythony loved the free market


Remember how much he was against net neutrality because he thought the free market could regulate the internet better?

I don't think the old bitch knows what "arbitrarily" means

Or eliminate. Or people.

They either eliminate accounts, or they enforce terms of service against people. If twitter actually begins eliminating people I will join nana in his crusade.

He used the apostrophe in “it’s” wrong, right after a sentence in which it was used in the completely different, proper context, and before using it properly again in the next sentence

What a fucking stupid idiot


RapistWithAIDS' mistake was using the word proper in his justified slam about apostrophes.

Don't say 'proper'. Really ever. Unless you're being super cheeky and you're sure it's going to go over well.

My intuition says Anthony returns to the sub this weekend and unleashes a vicious salvo. Also likely: cryptic, threatening, run-on Facebook RANT from Samcro.

Your lips to God's ears.

Can we get him banned from Reddit?

Most douche-chill inducing tweet yet

we share the commanity of tweeting

This is a 60yo man complaining endlessly about his 4th Twitter ban. Take the fucking hint, Anthony. If you can't behave and follow the rules, out the door you go.

It's so fucking weird how he plays dumb. "They can't ban me! That's a violaton of my right to free speech!"

No wonder Sirius banned his crazy ass from stepping foot in the building.

The radio is used by world leaders. They can't fire him!

This is a 60yo man complaining endlessly about his 4th Twitter ban. Take the fucking hint, Anthony. If you can't behave and follow the rules, out the door you go.

Ant has no friends. He has half a dozen people on the payroll and that's it. You take away his Twitter, you take away his only way to socialize.

Ever seen a pic where he's out having a beer with a friend, or visiting people? Nope. Just co-workers and the occasional poker party at The Compound, where listeners to his show hang out with him.

Maybe if Ant had a single person in his life he could actually talk to - someone who looked at him as a real person rather than a walking checkbook - he wouldn't have such an all-consuming need to go on twitter and talk to strangers.

That's exactly why he's like this.


And just for giggles, here's him calling Twitter a spent platform that he doesn't give a shit about five hours earlier.

If anyone's got the link to that list of 100+ tweets he made in the 24 hours after his third banning, I'll add it to the list.

he took away a follow on some guy that disagreed with him. what a fruit.

What is he trying to do? Start a fucking movement? Anthony is a whacky nigger.


Anthony only believes in government regulation when it allows him to angrily type racial epithets in all caps.


apostrophe-deficient faggot.


Anthony adopts liberal talking points when it suits him. Selfish old fuck betrays his own ideology when you take his toys away.

Anthony has officially lost the right to complain about people who want private pharmacies to prescribe birth control, or private bakeries to bake gay cakes. With this tweet, he is firmly in the “The government should intervene in the free market when it suits me” camp.

Never thought I’d say this but...Anthony is a god damn communist.

He actively tried to get this subreddit shut down. Doesn’t ol’ gravel driveway face realise the hypocrisy? What a fucking idiot.

Comparing Ant’s dementia and alcohol addled drivel to world leaders shaping world events is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard of.

Even in the world of right wing e-celebs Nana is a D-list loser.

He’s the shortest midget in the room.

You guys think he just recognized that Twitter can eliminate him because he isn't a person?

Why the FUCK does he like Twitter so much?

Some lose jobs, ruin friendships and destroy families because of heroin, for Anthony is Twitter.


Muh free market

its a publicly traded company you idiot. they have to have some sort of fucking rules or code.

Isn’t it funny how fans who hate Anthony use phrases and jokes from the show to bring about this hate?

I communicate just fine without Twitter

This would explain why he is obsessed with Twitter. Most of us think it is just a retarded social media site, and he thinks it is the pulse of the world. What a stupid faggot he is.

He blocked me because I responded to this tweet.

The only thing worse than having a twitter account is people using their twitter accounts to complain about how Twitter administers its site. I deleted my Twitter account after Milo was banned not because I'm a huge Milo fan, but because I didn't want to use a site that has heavy handed and biased moderation. If twitter addicts like Nana did the same thing, it's more likely that twitter would reverse course or go the way of myspace.

give it up already. all that time and energy wasted on stupid social media when you could be doing something productive with your life.

Ant is a bit confused with the difference of a communications platform and private against public ones.

All public ones require some regulations. Even the internet had regulations with ISP’s and now in Europe Gdpr which effects the world.

So was the fax machine Tranpa

Seems like they can

What an inane, dementia-inspired thought. Doesn't he claim to be a libertarian? Stupid old man.

Wait... Is he calling for a private company to be nationalised?

too new

He’s the shortest midget in the room.