In 150 days @AnthonyCumiaCM tweeted approximately 8300 times averaging 55 tweets per day

57  2018-08-17 by WhatTooReal


Every time I see a picture of him without a detonator in his hands and 20 pounds strapped to his chest I lose faith

Hes got the look for it there.

Not a snowballs chance in hell this is a man of Italian descent. No fucking chance

I wish someone would do a genealogy test on him for real. Im sure there are plenty of bud light cans to swab.

Lying about being Italian. Why?

To hide the Arab and African.

Why would they do that? That doesn't sound genuine.

Even a gutter Sicilian is better than a Noth African. Barely. And Cumias are at the absolute bottom of the racial ladder.

Hey you jealous, pathetic loser! He has draft beer as well as glass bottles. Don’t you feel stupid?

Well, when the Moors came to Sicily...


This is what he looked like when he was YOUNG.

Lmao what a fucking loser

Won't see him no more.

Disgusting state of affairs

Anthony had enough in the bank to sail off into the sea and never have to worry about shit ever again. He had it made. Instead of spending his retirement years traveling the world or doing interesting things he sits had home like a reclusive faggot and worries about black crime and other stupid shit that has absolutely no bearing on his life.

"I've been called sexy"

"i've been called a libyan"

big if true

Ironic, that the grand vizier appeared in the form of ants in Aladdin.

Is that bricks of heroin in front of the guitar?

He’s legit sick in the head. Outside of Michael Jackson, I’ve never seen someone try and change their race more than Nana. He hates his Arabic facial hair so much that he’d rather be shaved and showing off those acne craters in his face. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had his skin lightened.

He looks like he's leaving to go sell plutonium to Doc Brown.
