
87  2018-08-17 by ProfessorChipperson


Funny as this is, the username right below is even funnier. And it's accurate.

Heh heh...I was just about to use that one brothaman...it was right on the tip of my tongue, but that’s okay...I have my laughs (sniff)

Steer that ship captain

Nana is playing favorites with Twitter still.

When he starts doxxing people I’m gonna laugh, you kinda deserve it at this point constantly harassing him. Meanwhile all you faggots will say that’s not fair , it’s what you deserve

Shut up, faggot.

What good is that when the guy doxxing you is a racist, pedophile, women beater.

muh sandwich artistry

His jew name is Daniel Ben dovid

Shut up, faggot.

What good is that when the guy doxxing you is a racist, pedophile, women beater.

muh sandwich artistry